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o00gareth00o's Avatar o00gareth00o
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
The map features Iceland, in its pre viking, tree covered days. The coastline is a near perfect scale replica of Iceland, the terrain however is very different. I kept the general lay of the land similar, but the scale is obviously way off and I added many more peaks to keep the terrain fun to play on. The download link is a .world file because the map size is really big. I will upload the map as a normal minecraft save once I get home and have a better internet connection. Until then, just download world painter if you haven't already and have fun.

Nearly all rivers and lakes are real lakes and rivers. There are a few that I added for fun, but aside from those the rivers are nearly perfect scale matches of those in iceland.


The rivers of this map (aside from matching the real rivers of iceland are navigable by boat. I think that's cool.

Project is listed as 95% because I am not quite satisfied with the terrain, etc. Consider this a late beta. If you see any problems with the map like blocked rivers, etc. please let me now the coordinates, xyz. Likewise if you have any suggestions regarding the map let me know, I will probably include them in a later release of this map if I like them.

Permissions: In the unlikely event that this map is used for a youtube video, a piece of art, etc., just let me know and give me credit for my work.


Regarding the dense trees: They look good, I like them, yes they will increase mob spawning during the day, no they will not be changed (at least not a whole lot).

Also: Please upload more screenshots. This map is big and I want to see what more of it looks like.

Thanks for viewing and I hope you like it!
Progress95% complete

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03/08/2020 3:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mikellomio's Avatar
Can you please explain me how to download this map to computer version of Minecraft.
08/17/2014 8:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NotBrynjar321's Avatar
Just checked the map out and i have never seen such a historically inaccurate depiction. Wheres all the lava our main feature. We dont have big trees exept the ones that have been planted near farms and in towns. It should be grayer near the middle and some of the mountains depicted are not there in real life. Iceland was made from lava make it so.
08/18/2014 6:28 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
o00gareth00o's Avatar
I made this project a year ago when I had no idea how to use worldpainter.  I never claimed it to be historically accurate, I only said that my inspiration came from my learning of iceland's more forested past.  Even now that I am much better at world painter there is no way I could recreate Iceland, it is way to complex, and pretty.  This was the best I could do at the time, though I agree it is not much, esspecially when compared to other maps.  The only reason I keep it up is because it gives me a fun starting point to see how my skill at world painter has progressed.  

I am not going to update this project, so if you want an accurate, more pretty Iceland, make it your self.
09/19/2013 11:31 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
adambomb82's Avatar
I think you should put in volcanos, doesn't seem like Iceland without volcanos! :D Great job!
08/17/2013 9:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dhardwick105's Avatar
Great job! I particularly like the rivers.
08/16/2013 4:53 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Musician
Citrus's Avatar
You need way more credit for your stuff! This is amazing!
