Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

LockWood Manor From Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom (SHOT FOR SHOT REPLICA)

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Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
I created and uploaded this map around 1 year ago. I have now updated it and made it nearly a shot for shot replica from the actual movie. You MUST install mods. If you need help installing the mods there is a link to one of my videos further below. It includes many mods which will be in the archive. You must extract the archive with winrar or archiver on mac. Take the mods out of the mods folder in the folder and put it inside the mods folder in your minecraft directory.
Jurassic World Lockwood Manor>mods>application support>minecraft>mods

Than after that, you wanna open the "Lockwood Manor LEGIT WORKING UPDATED" folder and copy all the files in there by pressing cmd/ctrl a and cmd/ctrl c.
Than you wanna go to your minecraft folder and go into your saves folder and replace the files into the folder you choose.

Jurassic World Lockwood Manor>123>application support>minecraft>saves>"folder you choose"
Progress100% complete

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04/30/2019 3:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
what mods doese it need?
01/09/2019 1:05 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
dose it realy need the mods?
02/19/2019 9:26 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Sry, but yes
