Minecraft Maps / Other

London City Airport 1:1 WIP (Only Runway rn)

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Frothy14's Avatar Frothy14
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
1:1 London City Airport.
It's only the Runway right now. I'm adding the taxiways and Terminal later
Please ignore the water
And the random Taxi way
I'm moving right now so this is kinda like a backup just in case something happens to my computer
I'll finish it later I swear

Runway lengths were measured via Google Maps
somethings are inaccurate because of well spacing I guess
Like the lines down the middle are thick because the middle is 2 blocks
The Overrun area is very fucked up if you were to compare to google maps
and like 3 random lines in the middle have an extra block because of yeah.
Progress35% complete

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