Minecraft Maps / Other

Minecolonies Custom Style: Oak Treehouse

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Level 28 : Expert Miner
Hello hello!

Oak Treehouse Style is an unofficial, modular style focused more on building around larger scale treehouses.

I may not have time to edit stuff specifically in this site, so please utilize the links below :)

Also, I'm not one to make video tutorials, but I may make a let's play of this soon on my channel :)

Full readme doc:
- here

List of huts and their versions
- here

Installation instructions
- Download the zip in this site or the zip in the drive
- Head to the Blueprints folder (under your modpack fold under instances)
- Place the file into the Blueprints folder
- Make sure the one that’s placed is a folder. Otherwise, unzip the file
- Put it in the Blueprints folder
- Delete the empty .zip and folder

- Y-shaped Branches(done!)
- Supplemental Style Pack: Big Tree's Cherry Version
- Supplemental Style Pack: Big Tree's Snowblossom(Biome's O Plenty) Version
- Supplemental Style Pack: Big Tree's Roots - download here!
- Some collaborations with other styles :)
CreditShout out to those who helped me with my questions on the Minecolonies Discord server!
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Quick hotfix for "Changelog ao 7/19/2024" : by BRMD7077 07/20/2024 3:13:32 amJul 20th, 2024

[Oak TH]Branches
- Add:
- Branch Inserts without lower platforms, for all the XxSide versions

[Oak TH]Supply Camp
- Fix:
- sign Instructions on what branch to add on the Town Hall's level

(Style Author's Notes: It seems that among the BigTreeBigger huts, the Town Hall is the only hut with a lower platform being 1 block higher than the rest, which makes it conflicting with the current branch inserts. To solve this without messing any schematics, Branch Inserts without lower platforms, for all the XxSide versions are added.)

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12/30/2024 9:23 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Any chance we could get decoration controllers added to the branches and stumps that way they can easily be repaired?
12/31/2024 6:04 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
How exactly did they get damaged?

Main reason why I'm holding off on decoration controllers specifically for empty branches, trunks, and stumps is that they mandatorily need air blocks on certain parts which easily overrides with huts; so with minecolonies' repair function being as it is right now, them being "repaired" would mean huts being "damaged"
05/20/2024 9:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
quick question what version is this for?
05/21/2024 7:37 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
This style was made in 1.20.1, so that version and above should work fine. For 1.19.2, you may see that the signs will display blank, but mostly they're just descriptions which were also noted in the google docs.
05/22/2024 10:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thank you
04/10/2024 1:31 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
small problem with your stylecolony....you forgot to unzip the blueprints before zipping up the whole folder
04/11/2024 12:22 am
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Sorry, I don't get it.

I tested this by downloading the zip files the following ways:
- from the PMC "Download Minecraft Map" option, which showed a zip file and can extract the "OakTreehouse" folder.
- from the drive link, right-clicked the zip folder and then showed a zip with a folder name the same as above.

With both methods above, the blueprint files show as it is and can be seen in-game with no problems.

If you still have problems, I would recommend dropping by to discord under #schematic-issues as some problems on downloading this style got resolved there. :)
04/13/2024 10:03 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
someone was having issues placing down the blueprints, like they would try to place it and it would just blink out of existence
04/13/2024 10:14 pm
Level 28 : Expert Miner
Have they checked the blueprints in a file explorer if they're labeled as ".BLUEPRINT"?
Have they pressed the red "X" during preview?
04/14/2024 12:30 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
no idea, I will mention this to them after I test this style myself today.
