Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Minecraft Big Brother | Season One House

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Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Are you a fan of Minecraft and Big Brother?! Then I've got a map for you!
This Minecraft Map is based off of the popular reality show, Big Brother. It is meant to be played with a host and 12 Houseguests. The theme of this season's House is "The Great Indoors," hopefully bringing the outside in!

The House includes every room in the original Big Brother House, and has special decorations like a working Veto Box, a working HOH Key hook, food storage shelves in the Storage room, and a pool table, campfire, and grill in the Backyard! Unfortunately, the layout is not exactly like the original Big Brother House; I was trying to be creative and make it more Minecraft-friendly!

HOH #1 - Week 1 - "Rainbow Dash"
The rest cannot be listed, as to not give anything away.

Gameplay Tips:

The Nomination Board has heads behind the glass. Replace the example heads I placed with your Houseguest's heads. Also, when a Houseguest is evicted, place gray glass in front of their head. It makes it more dramatic, and more like the original show.

There is a dispenser beside the front door. Before each week's Veto Ceremony, fill it up with pieces of paper that have the eligible Houseguests' names on them. Also, make sure to include a 'Houseguest's Choice,' just to make it like the show! That way, the HOH and nominees just have to press a button and read a name.

Before Nomination Ceremonies, have a private meeting with the current HOH. Make sure to give them the player heads of their two nominees. That way, at the Ceremony, all they have to do it place the heads on the fence! Also, I fixed having to stand in front of the stands to place a head. There are invisible armor stands now! Just click on the fence and it'll place the head on top for you!

There are two buttons above both front doors. The left button opens the door, the right button closes the door. These buttons must only be used by the host.

If a Houseguest chooses not to use the Power of Veto during a Veto Ceremony, they can place it back in the Veto Box by clicking on the face of the glass.

Every week before a new HOH is crowned, have the old HOH hang up their key in the HOH room. They can do this by clicking on the hook on the wall.

On the stage, there is a button behind the couch. Press it teleport to the "Competition Room." This is where all the competitions and a timeline of the season are posted. I would advise the host setting their home there, so they can teleport easily.

If you find any bugs with the map, please leave me a comment so I can update it! And if you used this map and loved it, please leave a diamond and tell me what you think the theme of next season's House should be. I would greatly appreciate it!

If you use this map to make videos on YouTube or any other website, please leave a link to this page! I worked very hard on this map. Also, check me out on YouTube at TheBeardedGent!

Shoutout to the fabulous VideoGamer32000! He does an amazing Minecraft Big Brother series and is the inspiration for this map! Check him out on YouTube as well. ^3^

This map will be used on my channel for my first season of Minecraft Big Brother! :D

CreditVideoGamer32000 (Inspiration)
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by TheBeardedGent 05/10/2017 12:05:15 pmMay 10th, 2017

This update log has been removed from the project.

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07/22/2018 2:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Is their a download??
11/25/2017 1:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Can u put a download for this sooooon please I want to use it. Overall, though amazing :)
05/05/2017 9:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
So any date for the download of the map
05/10/2017 12:02 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
05/10/2017 4:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Well thats okay.
04/29/2017 3:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Should make the dirt Brown Concrete powder or use some of the new 1.12 blocks :D Also looks cool.!
04/29/2017 4:42 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Thank you! I'm working really hard on it! <3
