Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Minecraft Village Transformation - Whisperwind

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Welcome to Whisperwind, a transformed village! I have seen a lot of YouTube videos with people transforming the default Minecraft villages so I figured I would give it a shot myself. Whisperwind is my very first village transformation! The city has a large market area, tons of houses, several churches, large farms on the outskirts of the village, a marina for the villagers to come and go, and even a pillager tower with a cave overlooking the village in the distance. All of the original buildings have been remodeled but still stand in their original location and new buildings have been added around them. There are around 10 different building types in the city that I have transformed.

To download the map follow these simple steps...

1. Sign up for my Patreon (You will need at least the Builders Tier, the starter tier does not give you access to this city.)
2. Click on the pinned post on my Patreon page or click collections, click Blocky Duck's World Downloads, and click on the post to download the most up-to-date version for both Java & Bedrock.
3. Download the BDW South file.

This map is a city located inside Blocky Duck's World. When you download the map the map will download as Blocky Duck's World. Once inside the world, head over to the coordinates book and teleport to the coordinates of the city.
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by BlockyDuck 10/23/2024 11:56:14 amOct 23rd

updated some of the market stalls in the village and some of the trees

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05/05/2024 5:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
what a shame you need to pay for a map...
07/01/2024 7:12 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Warrior
true. I could pay dollar for map but 5? too much
