Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Minecraft Zelda: Four Swords by Mitrochoid

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Mitrochoid's Avatar Mitrochoid
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure

In our time, we have yet to come across a decent Four Swords Map. So in an amazing act of epicosity, we have decided to make a unique, legit and awesome Legend of Zelda Adventure Map. No Plugins, Mods, nothing. Just a legit Map that you and your buddies can play.

Although the map is no where near completion, we have already established a Unique and Different Plot. The plot of this map doesn't copy the standard Four Swords Plot.


After the events of LoZ: The Four Swords, Link and his 3 clones must set off to save Hyrule once again by the demon lord Herobrine. Herobrine has entered Hyrule and now plans to control Hyrule. Herobrine sets off to claim the 4 Sacred Gems from Zelda. However, in an act of savior, Zelda scatters the 4 Gems across Hyrule. Herobrine leaves to search for the Gems.
Link awakens in Faron Village, haven already been spoken to by the Mayor. After properly equipping himself, he sets off with his 3 clones to Hyrule Castle to receive info on the darkness soon corrupting Hyrule. Zelda tells him to look for the Gems in the Forest, Mountains, Lake, and Sky, then bring to the Four Sword Sanctuary to claim the Four Sword and defeat Herobrine.
Well all is done, Link brings the Gems to the shrine and pulls the Four Sword. Then sets off to Hyrule Castle to defeat Herobrine, for good.
Now this project is huge, so we could use a support crew. Your help is appreciated!

Here is the Mitrochoid Team Checklist:

- Ages 12+
- Good Zelda Experience
- Skype for communication
- Hamachi for server connection
- Good attitude with no back-talk

Here are the type of Helpers we need:

- Redstone Support
- Great Builders and Constructors
- Cleaners who go behind and clean/decorate the map
- Plot Checkers to makesure everything makes sense

If you do well as a support crew, you could star in the Map Trailer we may make!

PM us for Qualification

Go here for more info and map download
Progress45% complete

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02/04/2014 7:20 pm
Level 1 : New Network
KameHameHaC12's Avatar
Hello there!I'm Cam,I would like to apply to be a Helper.I am 14, male, and have played Four Swords,and the Anniversary Edition.Have not been playing them as long as others,but I still LOVE the series so far!Yes, I do have a Skype. I could be a cleaner or a plot checker, it's up too you!Thanks
02/22/2014 3:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Mitrochoid's Avatar
Even though we've kinda abandoned this map, we've realized that there are a few people who still like the idea so we'll bring it back. We have actually started another, solo Zelda adventure map complete with a huge area, music and 64x64 textures

11/28/2013 9:56 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Mitrochoid's Avatar
I would love to add you guys to the Team!
11/23/2013 8:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Firehot4321's Avatar
I'll help! I'm 12. Im a boy. I've played Zelda Four Swords Adventures since I was younger ^_^ I dont have Skype but could there be another way to communicate? C'mon plz :D I'll build what i remember.
11/18/2013 5:23 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
Nintendoman253's Avatar
I also am a boy
11/18/2013 5:22 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Explorer
Nintendoman253's Avatar
I am 12 my name is grant I could be a cleaner or a plot checker which ever you need more I would be happy to help oh and by the way I LOVE ZELDA IT IS MY FAVORITE VIDEO GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
