Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

More Swords | Command Block Creation

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Code202's Avatar Code202
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Hello! Today I've created seven new swords in Minecraft, each with their own unique textures!

Click here for the command!
Click here for the resource pack (requires OptiFine)!

Earth Sword - Iron Sword + Dirt + Emerald
Ice Sword - Iron Sword + Ice + Emerald
Fire Sword - Iron Sword + Blaze Powder + Emerald
Air Sword - Iron Sword + Quartz + Emerald
Water Sword - Iron Sword + Water Bucket + Emerald
Ender Sword - Iron Sword + Ender Pearl + Emerald
Lightning Sword - Iron Sword + Creeper Head + Emerald
All recipes are floor crafting

Each sword has its own ability, as listed below! The Earth Sword causes an explosion! The Ice Sword
will freeze any entity you hit! The Fire Sword will burn any entity you hit and spread fire! The Air Sword
will cause any entity you hit to fly up into the sky! The Water Sword will slow entities, making them
an easier target! The Ender Sword will teleport entities away from you! The Lightning Sword will strike
entities with lightning!

By Code202

For 1.11.2+
Progress100% complete

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