Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Mushroom villa in the Dynamic new world!

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Level 39 : Artisan Artist
Hey guys, i realized how complicated and annoying i made the download for some people and i felt terrible because i had mediafire pro and didnt realize people who dont cant do bulk downloads.  I redid all my stuff and downloaded it over and compressed it for you all.  So sorry again and it wont happen again! Thanks for being the coolest kids i know. CYALL


k so your reading this for me to let you know how the world file works.  When you download just make a folder you want the world to be called and put the files you download in there. 
Why im doing this is because i want you guys to have these worlds. They are officially yours.  build off them and use them in your worlds.  rip em up and draw on them!  You can claim them as yours for all i care =D.  This world file has my 3 latest builds on them:the mushroom villa, zephyr the whale, and the elephant carrier.  
the coords for them 

zephyr the whale: x:398 y:129 z:-216 
elephant carrier: x:-1 y:115 z:-158 
mushroom villa: x:330 y:86 z:159 

I recommend ripping them from the world using mcedit and putting them in your servers! 
Another word of wisdom too.  They are hollow so the inside of them have no meat and no homelyness to them.  Thats for you to make =D I feel i can build way better then these and im gonna try making amazing cities for you all in the future and putting these past builds behind me so i can get much better! 

~old description below~

This build was a for fun build on the adventure map im making for the world.  Enjoy!

P.s...Subscribe for weekly cool builds im doing
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IM sorry =( : by artisan 07/12/2014 2:18:04 amJul 12th, 2014

Hey guys, i realized how complicated and annoying i made the download for some people and i felt terrible because i had mediafire pro and didnt realize people who dont cant do bulk downloads.  I redid all my stuff and downloaded it over and compressed it for you all.  So sorry again and it wont happen again! Thanks for being the coolest kids i know. CYALL

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07/12/2014 11:47 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Telvanni, anyone?
07/12/2014 5:22 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Artist
elder scrolls?
07/12/2014 6:17 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls: III
06/28/2014 4:42 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Good work! Diamond!
06/20/2014 7:11 am
Level 46 : Master Miner
Welcome to the pmc community, another great concept. A timelapse as well, I like it.
06/20/2014 9:02 am
Level 39 : Artisan Artist
thanks! glad i stumbled upon this website.
06/20/2014 6:20 am
Level 44 : Master Pixel Puncher
yeah is cool diamond !
06/20/2014 2:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
