Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Organic Alien Craft

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Level 47 : Master System
I wanted to make an alien ship inspired by the Giger designs for the original 'Alien' movie. This is my first attempt! I wanted a more organic feel to the ship but I wasn't completely happy with the results but I'll do better next time.
When downloading face east to paste in front of you but make sure you're around 50 blocks from a surface.

*Interiors not built*
CreditDevelopers of World Edit and Chunky
Progress100% complete

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04/23/2018 1:48 pm
It/It • Level 47 : Master System
Thanks. I find futuristic building better as you can just go with the flow and if you make mistakes no one can tell😉
04/21/2018 5:39 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
WOW! That is brilliant! So much technique - I've always wished that I could build in this Science Fiction style but I am quite honestly unable. Maybe one day! :)
