Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Pixelmon Let's Go Kanto

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PixelmonLetsGo's Avatar PixelmonLetsGo
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
Hello and welcome to the world of Pixelmon! I wanted to make an adventure map for Pixelmon, so I chose to recreate the Let's Go games as they had just came out. I then lost all my files due to my hard drive corrupting and gave up. But I finally got the energy to start this project up again! This map will feature custom skins updated to the Let's Go look as long as events too. Please keep in mind this is my first time ever making a Minecraft map so there may be some flaws.

Current Progress:
  • Pallet Town
  • Route 1
  • Viridian City
  • Route 2
  • Viridian Forest
  • Pewter City
  • Route 3
  • Mt. Moon
  • Route 4
  • Cerulean City
  • Route 24
  • Route 25
  • Route 5
  • Route 6
  • Vermillion City
  • SS Anne
  • Route 11
  • Diglett's Cave
  • Route 9
  • Rock Tunnel
  • Route 10
  • Lavender Town
  • Route 8
  • Route 7
  • Celadon City
  • Route 12
  • Route 13
  • Route 14
  • Route 15
  • Fuchsia City
  • Route 18
  • Route 17
  • Route 16
  • Saffron City
  • Route 19
  • Seafoam Islands
  • Route 20
  • Cinnabar Island
  • Route 21
  • Route 22
  • Victory Road
  • Indigo Plateau
  • Cerulean Cave
  • Power Plant
Progress5% complete

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07/26/2020 2:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3161540G's Avatar
cade o dowmload ?
07/26/2020 7:11 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
PixelmonLetsGo's Avatar
quando eu terminar vou postar o download
07/24/2020 11:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Volter8974's Avatar
Does it contain gen 8
07/25/2020 11:49 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Ranger
PixelmonLetsGo's Avatar
No, only gen 1 to stick with the game. (plus maybe a secret gen 7 mon)
