Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Pokemon Sinnoh Project [UPDATING]

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WonderAsh's Avatar WonderAsh
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Hello everyone!

My friend and I are excited to present Project Sinnoh. We’re well aware of other maps that have completed this region already, but we’re wanted to recreate the region that we both played the most during our childhoods. With this project, we’re aiming to make extravagant builds with interior, as well as putting our own spin to certain routes and caves. We’ll be changing gym layouts and city designs at certain places as well, and also include anime-exclusive movie cities such as Alamos Town if we have time, so we’re excited to see what’ll come!

We’ll be updating this as we go, but we’re determined to finish. When we get more progress up to perhaps Eterna or so, we'll provide a download. But until then, we hope you’ll follow this as we go!

Cities and Towns:
  • Twinleaf Town: [100%]
  • Sandgem Town: [100%]
  • Jubilife City: [100%]
  • Orebergh City: [100%]
  • Floraroma Town: [100%]
  • Eterna City: [0%]
  • Hearthome City: [N/A]
  • Solaceon Town: [N/A]
  • Veilstone City: [N/A]
  • Pastoria City: [N/A]
  • Celestic town: [N/A]
  • Snowpoint City: [N/A]
  • Sunyshore City: [N/A]
  • Pokemon League: [N/A]
Routes (will continue to upgrade):
  • Route 201: [100%]
  • Route 202: [100%]
  • Route 203: [100%]
  • Route 204: [100%]
  • Route 205: [90%]
  • Route 206: [5%]
  • Route 218: [100%]
  • Route 219: [5%]
Other Misc. Places:
  • Oreburgh Gate: [100%]
  • Oreburgh Mine: [100%]
  • Valley Windworks: [100%]
  • Eterna Forest: [95%]
  • Fuego Ironworks: [5%]
Current Progress: [25% complete]
Progress25% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by WonderAsh 08/11/2019 6:11:48 pmAug 11th, 2019

It's been a year, but we're still working on this server!

Currently since we last posted, we've finished Jubilife City, Oreburgh, and Floaroma Town. We're about 75% through with Eterna Forest and we'll start working on Eterna City as quick as we can. If everything goes according to plan, we'll be finishing up with Mt. Coronet, or at least get the mountains in before we put up a download. We've also got some custom builds on here too, and are debating on working on Canalave City soon, but who knows! Life has gotten in the way for the both of us, but we still find ourselves hopping on and working on this in our spare time, so perhaps in a few short months. Will update new screenshots asap!

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09/11/2019 1:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hector's Avatar
Barely any other maps of Sinnoh have managed to make even fairly decent/descriptive maps of the region. I honestly hope that you are able to complete this, whereas others have given up or abandoned their projects. Seriously, it looks awesome so far.
09/13/2019 2:53 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
WonderAsh's Avatar
Haha, thanks! Yea, it's pretty slow going as we have lots of irl stuff going on and are pretty slow builders (it's still just the two of us tbh and we're using aternos), but we're not planning on giving up on this. We got a lot of plans here, so hopefully by the end of the year, we can finally have a download here lol
09/16/2019 12:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hector's Avatar
That would be awesome. Hey, just do you; real life comes before all else.
07/22/2018 12:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
InsaneGlitchXD's Avatar
Hello! I am creating a Pixelmon Minecraft Adventure server! I would love to make use of this map even at its current state! A couple questions regarding certain areas including spear pillar and others such as newmoon island etc. Will you be adding these as well as will you be able to provide a download link. Of course I would create a section for you guys to be honored as the creators of the map!
06/25/2018 7:37 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
wiisoff's Avatar
it says
How did people download it?
08/22/2019 3:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tosiv126's Avatar
bruh thats site statistics
