Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Ratchet and clank 1 - Adventure map

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Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
It will be an adventure map about ratchet and clank !
you will need to install the mods customnpc and Ratchet and clank mod.

If you want to help me ask in comments.

Current progress :
World Selection : 30%
Veldin : 100%
Novalis : 100%
Aridia : 30%
Kerwan : 0%
Eudora : 0%
Nebula G34 : 0%
Rilgar : 0%
Umbris : 0%
Batalia : 0%
Gaspar : 0%
Orxon : 0%
Pokitaru : 0%
Hoven : 0%
Oltanis : 0%
Gemlik outpost : 0%
Quartu : 0%
Kalebo III : 0%

Builders :
Quaquoum / Xesios in game
[We need you !]
Progress15% complete

5 Update Logs

I'm back ! : by Quaquoum 12/17/2016 12:31:33 pmDec 17th, 2016

After almost a year i'm back for more building !

I need to update the server because the mods have been updated since the last time.

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11/01/2016 2:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey I have a idea for your project use the day time command and the weather command so it look the same like in the game
12/17/2016 12:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
I already did that but since there is no pictures of Aridia we can't see it :x
08/13/2016 8:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is this project still alive? It looks really awesome and I love Ratchet and Clank... If not can you release what you finished?
08/28/2016 2:54 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
I will continue it later, for now i don't want to go build the map but i think i will continue it next year :D
09/02/2016 2:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you send me the download link even if it is unfinished? I grew up with Ratchet and Clank and seeing even pieces of this map would be really awesome, my email is lucastzul@outlook.com (who uses outlook anymore xD)
09/18/2016 10:57 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Fish
I'm using outlook T_T anyway, i'm going to release a "demo" of the map in a few ... weeks ? xD

I will continue to work on this map soon, I will not work as quickly as I did when I started but i think i could finish aridia in 1 month and then i'll release the demo.
03/31/2016 1:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hey! I also recreated veldin in minecraft, if you want you can have it? its a bit more detailed and accurate then yours I think (no offense, your veldin looks awsome too) So if you want it, message me back (Its only the first part, till the part where you find clank)
04/11/2016 10:01 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hi my name is Adam I am working on the resource pack if you would like to send me that remake it would be awesome I will then send it to Quaquoum and he will look at it me too (I will also look at it because I would like to see how it looks) we will not abuse it and we will give you full credit if you want to send it send it to me email or my gmail thank you for your contribution to this adventure map!
03/06/2016 2:20 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Sooo people I'm helping Quaquoum with the map the texture pack is done(?) it's not really a texture pack more of a sound pack..... I made it so that the music discs play the levels music like veldin but can someone give me a suggestion on how to make custom sounds because there are only 13 music discs and more than 13 planets and I dont want you guys clicking a link and then opening youtube and stuff because I know people could get lagg from that so a suggestion would be great and I'll also try to make the qwark poster thats in Ratchet's Garage that was it for my post!
02/14/2016 12:56 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Imposter
I suggest more global view screenshots, texture pack and which ratchet and clank are you copying?
