Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Redstone Maximum Security Prison

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Redstone Concepts's Avatar Redstone Concepts
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

This is my first upload. I have been working on this project for a few years and finally got around to finishing it. It is a fully functional Redstone Prison that holds 41 convicts. It is a maximum security prison and is designed to isolate prisoners from each other. The prison has three control rooms, and a special area/holding cell for prisoner 0, the most evil prisoner of them all. ;)

The prison includes a high tech security system with locks in various places to prevent escape, a cafeteria, convict paraphernalia storage room, interrogation room, staff room, and torture and execution room. To enter the prison, you have to have a visitors pass, and then you have to be buzzed in. When you first start out on the map, I believe I left everything unlocked so that you only need the visitors pass, which you should have at the beginning of the map.

My tips:

-Have fun being in complete control if your like me and your a control freak.
-If you get a chance, take the maintenance shaft up and take a look at the Redstone, I highly recommend it.
-The only thing I recommend you do not do is spam the buttons, just wait a few seconds between clicking them, that way you will not jam the system.


Progress100% complete

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Redstone Concepts
07/23/2017 3:36 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Redstone Concepts's Avatar
Yah I can try to post a video, right now I am very busy with college but will try to make one in the next few weeks!
07/15/2017 10:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tukki1234's Avatar
Great job! I love it so much only 1 problem I don't know how to use most of the systems

can you make a vid to show how to use

i love Redstone so keep up the good work
