Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Restaurant - Cocricot

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Level 19 : Journeyman Crafter
Hello! This is one of my first builds with the texture pack cocricot. What do you think?

I hope to build a whole city with this resource pack. So far I have a market/general store, a restaurant, a hotel, a library, and a house. But so far I think the restaurant is the best!

Texture Pack:

What should I build next and should I release a world save?

I like getting feedback and constructive criticism!
Progress100% complete

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06/12/2018 7:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I have some problem with Lotmetablock mod which goes with this texture pack. I can't unlock the orther block. Could you show me English instructions for it.
05/17/2017 7:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
This is great! Really good job! I really want to use this texture pack too but I am having trouble using it. I can't seem to unlock all the other blocks that come with it and I cant seem to find clear English instructions for it. How did you manage it?
