Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Roofed Forest Treepack [Level 20 Special]

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Level 44 : Master Artist
I hate you doing this to me!

I never planned reaching a level on PMC where i feel forced to do these kind of specials... also i didn't prepare one, so don't think this Treepack is something superspecial :D

But i want to apologize for not uploading anything in the last months... i'm working on some huge Projects at the moment (PMC-Contest entry with the BrauhausDerHoffnung Crew, stuff for samgladiator and some special PMC stuff...) and you will hopefully see me uploading some stuff during the hollydays...

But back to this Treepack... it includes 6 trees, that can be used to upgrade the vanilla-roofed-forest style...

download the world file to get all the schematics

cya ;)


PS: if you are using this pack on a server give me proper credit
Creditto all my subs for your support ;D
Progress100% complete

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05/01/2016 9:56 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
cool, i have been trying to find some good swampy trees
Mine Maus Craft
02/26/2015 1:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
The trees look beautiful :-)

Btw, I also love tree bundles cause I don't like to build trees but I never used custom trees in my world^^
02/26/2015 2:56 pm
Level 44 : Master Artist
Yes... custom trees are not perfect for building with mcedit/worldedit/voxel... they add a bit of detail, but it takes time to import and place them...      world painter on the other hand has some great tools for spreading custom trees in forests
Mine Maus Craft
02/26/2015 3:51 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Ich hatte nur ein mal so 2 Wochen lang world edit im singleplayeer auf der 1.6.2 dann kam die 1.6.4 und es war vorbei, da habe ich zum ersten mal mit wolrd edit einen Wald erstellt aber keine Baum Schematics eingefügt.
Jetzt habe ich nen Server in der 1.8.1 und wolrd edit und bin total happy aber ich habe mich doch entschlossen meine Bäume selber zu erstellen... Aber trotzdem liebe ich Tree bundels XD

To say this in english would have taken me too long.
07/06/2014 6:16 am
Level 47 : Master Enderdragon
El Diamante war hier ! :D
07/06/2014 7:28 am
Level 44 : Master Artist
:D dangö
