Minecraft Maps / Complex

Runescape Creations Within Minecraft

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  • 275 downloads, 0 today
Sir Veylantz's Avatar Sir Veylantz
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
Hello! On my own private Minecraft Server, I have started working on making Minecraft replicas of Runescape areas. They are all life-size replicas according to Minecraft scale (1 block = 1 meter), and I am having it that 1 tile in Runescape works out to be 1 block in Minecraft.

If you don't know what Runescape is, check out their website here. But basically, it's a browser-based massively-multiplayer, online role-play game (MMORPG) that has a medieval-fantasy setting. Its pretty fun, and you can find me online playing as Sir Veylantz.

My Minecraft username is Knightshadow, and all works are labelled as such. However, at times my friends Akronfire and Intel935 have helped. Kudos to them too! Oh, don't forget to check out some of Intel935's work with his SimpliFied Texture Pack.

This is simply a showcase of my work. So far, I have completed:

Castle Wars (Dec 2011)- Has been graphically updated in game since.
Tree Gnome Village (Dec 2011) - Has been graphically updated in game since.
Town of Lumbridge (Feb 2012)
Grand Exchange (Feb 2012)
God Wars Dungeon (Mar 2012) - Has been graphically updated in game since.
Player Owned Ports (Jul 2013)

I am currently working on: Kingdom of Misthalin (Currently on City of Varrock). This includes most of the game's Free to Play area. It includes Varrock, Draynor Village, Al Karid, and Lumbridge. After this I will complete the rest of the game's Free to Play Area.

I make these all in Minecraft's Creative Mode and have made schematics of all of these projects.

So what I have here today are pictures, schematics, and a world save. Previewed in the Schemagic above is the Castle Wars portion of the map, while the schematics for the entire world are included in the zip file provided with the World Download link.

The world itself can technically be broken down into three sections:

Kingdom of Kandarin:
- Castle Wars
- Tree Gnome Village
- Yanille [​Under Construction]

Kingdom of Misthalin:
- Grand Exchange
- Varrock (City + Castle) [​Under Construction]
- Lumbridge (Town + Castle)

- God Wars Dungeon
- Player Owned Ports

I hope you enjoy!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Comments and criticisms would be much appreciated.

Additional Notes

CreditAkronfire, Intel935
Progress50% complete

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