Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Sky Basilic by Spakstor

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TeamCr3art's Avatar TeamCr3art
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
Prêchée dans les cieux, une cité mystique s'étale sur deux petites îles volantes. Un pont flottant relie les deux partie pour et assure une communication quasi-surnaturel entre les différents bâtiments de l'ile.
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03/31/2017 11:06 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Sheezie's Avatar
I'm going to make a cinematic of this tomorrow!

Here's my last one! Cinematic
04/02/2017 5:41 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
TeamCr3art's Avatar
Thank , your last cinematics was rely good . Can you send the link here to i add on the descrition ? ( and if you like to make cinematics we have 3/4 exclusive map on you can make a cinematics )
