Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Smart furnaces [3 designs]

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codecrafted's Avatar codecrafted
Level 80 : Elite Engineer
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A concept that etho originally came up with and is one of the most useful things when it comes to survival minecraft :D I show of 3 different designs in this video, they can all be stacked next to each other very easily.

Design 1: Showcase 0:26 Tutorial 0:49
- 1 sticky piston
- 1 sand/gravel block
- 1 indicator block
- 1 building block
- 1 redstone dust

Design 2: Showcase 1:47 Tutorial 2:01
- 2 pistons
- 2 indicator blocks
- 2 building blocks
- 2 redstone dust

Design 3: Showcase 3:15 Tutorial 3:27
- 1 piston
- 1 redstone lamp
- 3 building blocks
- 3 redstone dust
Progress100% complete

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03/17/2014 5:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Farmer
56RVG6H's Avatar
They should update this useing hoppers to put all items smelted into a chest.
10/26/2012 7:57 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
03909's Avatar
OK, that makes SO much more sense... Thanks, design is great!
10/23/2012 2:28 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
03909's Avatar
Since when have activated furnaces given Redstone pulses? Am I just a noob, or does that not happen? If it does, than this s brilliant..
10/23/2012 4:12 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Spelunker
ECHO624's Avatar
its not the redstnone signal...it is the block update of the furncae turning into an active furnace...thus causing an update of the piston extending
10/23/2012 3:52 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Network
superpeanut911's Avatar
I asked the same thing lol!
10/22/2012 4:37 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
Exphirion's Avatar
Good tutorial,keep up with the great contraptions and designs! :D
10/22/2012 4:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Toast
Jayfeather4877's Avatar
Simple redstone! I've seen this done many times!
10/23/2012 5:28 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Mage
Cygnus656's Avatar
I've played this game since before pistons were out, and I've never seen this before. I think he made this video for people like me, not people like you who've seen before.
10/22/2012 3:10 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Karenthian's Avatar
Can't you tile the third one by using a pair of repeaters to "point" at the sand, instead of trailing dust ends? Either way these are genius, and I really wish I'd known about these a little while ago! When you've got 10 furnaces on the go it's awesome to be able to see which are in use. Shame there's no way of testing if a furnace has finished its load as well....
10/22/2012 3:21 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
TheAstroSteve's Avatar
You can see if it's finished it's load in one of the designs in the video. Did you watch it all?
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