Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Super Skyscraper

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Mattianmcc's Avatar Mattianmcc
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
I'm going through all my old stuff and releasing everything, so some will be better than others.

This is max height, but since I didn't get to finish the top of the tower it could lose some height without losing much. I didn't get to work on this as much as I would have liked, so it's basically hollow, but your an awesome builder right, so you should have no problem filling it.
Progress40% complete

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01/23/2012 1:34 am
Level 41 : Master Dolphin
TheAppleMachine's Avatar
12/01/2011 3:03 pm
Level 82 : Elite Architect
lynchyinc's Avatar
great work matt, are you doing new stuff as well?
12/01/2011 3:05 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Mattianmcc's Avatar
I'm not sure. I was going to stop, but I think I'm addicted lol, so there may be another project in the works.
12/01/2011 3:07 pm
Level 82 : Elite Architect
lynchyinc's Avatar
haha tell me about it, I'm thinking of doing a superstructure in the near future, do you have any tips for planning one out? as all my builds so far have been relatively small
12/01/2011 3:13 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Mattianmcc's Avatar
Well I'll let you in on my secret of how I made this one. You'll never guess... falling sand.

I would suggest looking for some images online for inspiration, or looking at real life stuff around where you live. There are some epic things out there waiting to be brought into the world of Minecraft.

Whenever I make something huge it's usually to experiment with a time saving technique such as using falling sand or MCEdit tools efficiently, so whatever you think about doing, try and think about as many aspects of it as you can ahead of time and work out how to do them quickly or else it becomes very tedious.
12/01/2011 3:17 pm
Level 82 : Elite Architect
lynchyinc's Avatar
thanks very much, a real help, as i attempted one before by hand, and i just got so frustrated and bored with it, that it became no fun, so i scrapped it, i'll check out some mcedit tutorials as i just use it for uploading schematics atm, there's obviously a lot i'm missing out on!

Hope to see some more of your builds as they're really unique!
12/01/2011 3:19 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Mattianmcc's Avatar
Thanks and good luck. MCEdit isn't as scary as it seems, I'm a total computer noob, so if I can do it, anyone can.
12/01/2011 4:38 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
t3h0nly1's Avatar
such extravagant details, i`m loving it. :)
12/01/2011 10:17 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Mattianmcc's Avatar
Yeah I always try and raise the bar if I can, Thanks.
12/01/2011 1:21 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
sytza's Avatar
