Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

"Terminus" from AMC's The Walking Dead

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Riddl3M3This's Avatar Riddl3M3This
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
This is a recreation of "Terminus" from Season 4 and 5 of AMC's The Walking Dead. The build comes complete with a detailed and accurate exterior along with interiors of all the rooms that were shown in the series.

Additional credit goes to Youtuber user MrApplebyProductions for the design of the railway tracks and some of the buildings featured in the structure. Further credit is awarded to Planet Minecraft user LeoTheHunter for the design of the "A" boxcar and the "Terminus" lettering on the front of the main building.

Feel free to use this on a public server as long as the sign located at the front stating the creators remains intact.
CreditMrApplebyProductions, LeoTheHuner
Progress100% complete

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11/08/2016 9:01 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
MR_Skyhex2_'s Avatar
Wow awesome little map!
11/07/2016 8:27 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
ViolentBananas's Avatar
This is awesome. You just earned a diamond.
