Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Far Lands of Aeraniel

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Cyberstone Arts's Avatar Cyberstone Arts
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
What is The Far Lands of Aeraniel?
The Far Lands of Aeraniel is an open-worldy, adventure, RPG custom map. Go on adventures in the far lands of Aeraniel, and complete side-quests along the way. The map will also have a main story you can complete. We are trying to make the player feel less lonely in the map, so we're going to make villages, cities and towns more crowded, by putting NPC's. The map is being made with WorldPainter, and is being made after a map we have. The map will be very very very big, and the player will travel quite some time when he/she needs to get somewhere.

Who's making The Far Lands of Aeraniel?
The Far Lands of Aeraniel is in development by a small and new 'company' called Cyberstone Arts. Cyberstone Arts is currently recruiting builders and story writers for the project.

When will it be released?
The Far Lands of Aeraniel is currently in a very very very early stage, and does not have a planned release date yet. We are hoping to have it out after the API is ready to use, so we won't have that much trouble with mods and plugins.

What's the requirements?
We do not know what the exact requirements are yet, but the player will eventually need specific NPC mods, and maybe other mods to improve the gameplay. We will also recommend the player to use a Shader Mod or something like that, to make it look much more beautiful.

What programs are you using?
We are currently using WorldPainter to make a beautiful custom landscape (we already have a world map we will work after,) for the map. We are going to set up a private server for the builders, so that we can work on the map together on the same time. The server is currently a normal server, but we might change over to bukkit later on, to use some plugins like VoxelSniper, WorldEdit or something else.

Can I join your server and help build? Or just come have a look?
No. Not just yet atleast. The server is not set up yet, but when it is, only builders will be allowed onto the server. You might be able to convince us to setting up a public showcase server where you can come watch what we've achieved (the server would be set in the Adventure gamemode to prevent griefing).


In the beginning there was nothing, but thato s a lie. In the beginning there is always something as there is never a beginning, just a time you say you want to start the confusion. But, in the Creation, when we decided to begin the start of the confusion, there was the consciousness, for somewhere cannot exist without consciousness, otherwise nothing is there and ito s all a lie. This consciousness was magic, it covered the land, smothering it in a blanket of silence, as pure as the midnight sky, which was at the time purely black, as stars hadno t been created, so the magic decided it needed aesthetics and created the stars, so they could shine upon its beauty and allow it to grow in confidence. The confidence sprouted from the magic into the beauty of the world, mountains soaring to the sky, forests intertwining in the lush green hues, swamps erupting and bubbling to the surface. The magic grew happier, living in its creation, yet became sad when the winter came. From these emotions sprouted the Sun and Moon, spiralling in the sky, symbolising the magico s emotions. The magic revelled at the perfected world it had created, the pride swelling into an ocean, flooding the world in seas and lakes and rivers, each broiling, splashing in a glass-like beauty. The Magic felt strange from this, a mix of emotions, but one stood out. The feeling of no purpose. The Magic felt it needed a purpose on the world apart from watching over it and in its pride, it decided it was too important for that job and so it created the Watcher, a Guardian of the Realm and companion for the Magic. The Watcher separated the land, creating a point of isolation for the magic, a far land, which in its tongue is vast and complex, beyond comprehension in the minds of any in beauty and awe, so the Watcher, so many could look upon this name, created it a mask, a mask called Aeraniel, The Main Land in this world, and the one which contained the purest creations, one which the Magic and Watcher took pride in. The Magic was overjoyed with the Watcher, how it gained emotions and helped the Magic, so secretly the magic created Animals, Beasts, the living which roamed the land. The Watcher looked at what the Magic had done and roared in defiance, giving the Beasts voice and thought. The Magic and Watcher fought over what the magic had created and from that spite came the Elves, a race perfect in beauty and a mind which flowed with the knowledge of creating the beauty from the knowledge of their own perfect form, But the Elves had been created from Spite, so were sewn with the stitches of it, being malicious, evil and cruel, the emotions seeping through the raceo s tall structures, their pores caressing the world around them in hate. The Watcher and Magic stared in horror at what they had created the beauty and elegance that was only contrasted by the pure hatred in their core. In agreement, The Watcher and Magic tried to destroy their creations, but from the goodness in their heart, they found it impossible. So they crowned the Immortal Twins, two of these elves who would tell their predecessors of their creation in Hatred and reign over the Elves for Eternity. These Elves were blessed with traits that the others did not possess, the most notable being where their eyes were, there just lay pits of what seemed like an endless void, wreaking havoc upon the minds of many. This distilled them both into an even more divine purity that none could look upon them without death ensuing. For this, Magic created Death, the Wanderer of the World, who took his job upon his shoulders heavily, and with the burden of Death, began his lonesome wanderer of silence. To combat their first creation, in the emotion of order and knowledge they created the Dwarves, shorter to the Elves but equal and more so in Knowledge, craftsmanship and their sense of adventure, fortune and a core of Honour, Valour and Order, possessing skills that lay in each of the dark corners of the mind and beyond. Yet, the world seemed empty with only the Light and Dark, so the Watcher told Magic that they should create more. So, with their combined skills, they created the Halflings, similar to the Dwarves but peace-loving and free at Heart, the aspect of Peace that flowed through the souls of both. They then needed to create Balance, so they brought forth the goddess Balance to aid them. She told in whispers on the wind how each side should be favoured and never favoured. So the Watcher created the Ogres, a sullen, dark race that showed the same hatred as the Elves seeped, brutish in form though and thick in their skull, representing Chaos, who through the races stupidity was brought forward, plunging into the land to hide away and manipulate from the Shadows. Finally, a final race was needed, one to balance each side, so the Watcher, Magic, Death, Balance and Chaos thought and from thought came the Human race and Life itself, springing forth into the world in diversity, young and bold, examples of both sides. Life told her Kinsmen that they had done well, that Aeraniel was beautiful, but now it was time to watch, to allow their creation to flourish into its prime. Each of them agreed, Magic knighting them as the Ancients, beings that would be praised before and he allowed that they may become one with this world, changing form and watching. For the Watcher, he built his Burning core at the Centre of the World, watching from Below as it unfolded, falling into a stone sleep, with a promise that he would awake when needed. For the Magic, this land was complete, but the others it had scattered were still to be awoken into Glory, so the Magic created Mana, its sister who would look after this land while it left the Far Lands to see and create more. Mana accepted and the Ages began, time was decided, language in its representation began and finally, the World of Aeraniel began its recordings of time, ito s records of history and plunging into the unknown

Additional Notes

Made by: Cyberstone Arts and recruited helpers.

Forum: http://cyberstonearts.enjin.com/
Website: (To be set up)
Wikia: http://cyberstone-arts.wikia.com/wiki/Cyberstone_Arts_Wiki (Currently in the works)
CreditCyberstone Arts
Progress5% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Cyberstone Arts 10/17/2012 1:26:14 pmOct 17th, 2012

The Creation of Aeraniel and the races is now finished.

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10/28/2012 5:34 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Cyberstone Arts
Cyberstone Arts's Avatar
The towns, cities, villages, mountains and landmarks have now all gotten a name.
Planet Minecraft


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