Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Craft Runner (Adv/Puzzle/Parkour/WIP)

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and1mastah's Avatar and1mastah
Level 1 : New Miner

It is the year 2050 and you find yourself accused of a crime you didno t commit. Despite anything you say or do, no one believes you. These days you either have two options when it comes to imprisonment, do your time or go on a television show and fight for your life. This television show, called Craft Runner, telecasts your struggle to the public and they love the celebrity bosses that you have to fight.

Inspiration: www.youtube....h?v=pxzHCzm_5ew


Status: Pre-Alpha
Built: Minecraft 1.7.2 / Craftbukkit


Prison / Spawn: 25%

Studio: 75%

Area 1: 10%

Area 2: 0%

Area 3: 0%

Area 4/Conclusion: 0%


This map will take advantage of the new 1.7.2 features, especially on the command block sides of things. Through the new command system, the player will experience dialogue with N.P.C which can even effect the way the map will play out. There will also be boss battles in order for the player to move on with the map and earn their freedom. The player will be immersed in a fully created city that is loosely inspired by L.A. and N.Y.C.

Additional Notes

Help Wanted

Since this is quite the ambitious project for being a 1st time map-maker, I need help. I also need help because it will take me a very long time to complete this map since I am a full-time college student and I work part-time. I do have a server up and running where we can work on the map! The positions I need help on are (positions filled/total positions available)

Builder/Architect: ¼

Coder/Redstone: 0/2

Pub Relations/Marketing: 0/1

To apply please post/pm and sign up for my site, and1gaming.enjin.com/recruit.
Progress15% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by and1mastah 10/26/2013 4:53:04 pmOct 26th, 2013

The vision for the map has slightly change and the map has been restarted from scratch. Please give me a few days to post updated photos.

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10/12/2013 6:06 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
tesla_block's Avatar
Shut up and take my diamonds! á (o ç o á )
10/13/2013 5:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
and1mastah's Avatar
Thank You!
When will I be back
10/11/2013 11:14 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dolphin
When will I be back's Avatar
I would suggest you to make this a adventure first. If it get's ok replies then try making it for youtubers. You should host a server (Sorry if it'll stress you) so we can have easier teamwork together.
10/11/2013 11:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
and1mastah's Avatar
Yeah that's true. In the mean time I'll research some hosts for a server and hopefully more people volunteer to help. This is my first project and designing a (broken down) city is pretty ambitious for my first time.

Thank you and I will keep you updated!
When will I be back
10/11/2013 11:23 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dolphin
When will I be back's Avatar
Thanks :D
When will I be back
10/11/2013 10:57 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dolphin
When will I be back's Avatar
Hello. I am used to making maps and would love to help. I am mostly good at redstone and command blocks. I have a decent skill of using mcedit. You can count on me :)
10/11/2013 11:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
and1mastah's Avatar
Thank you! I am still debating if I should market this as an adventure map or a map YouTubers could use for game shows. I am also debating if I should host a server so helpers and I could work on the map 24/7 but that would make tools such as MCedit useless (a pain to use MCedit on the map and then reupload the map on the server)...although I do know there is world edit or whatever it is called for servers.
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