Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Sailor
After a long hiatus I have returned with a new update for the USS Ronald Reagan, now for 1.9!

More additions will slowly trickle down as I have more time to update

This is a true 1:1 scale of the USS Ronald Reagan.Using references from not only pictures from the internet and some games with aircraft carriers in them, but also using references from my time serving on the USS Ronald Reagan, I give to you all the most accurate and detailed Nimitz class carrier in all of PMC, the current block count of this ship is 257,788 blocks. not including air or water

I recently decided to add a version of the ship that has no planes whatsoever so that you may add your own if you wish, will do the same for the Nimitz soon

To improve your aircraft carrier experience I recommend the following

Resource Pack:
Minecraft Enhanced for v 1.8+

Optifine for 1.9

Continuum Shaders (Warning: Extremely GPU intensive)
continuum shaders for 1.8.9 (1.9 compatible)

info on the real ship:

Class & type:Nimitz-class aircraft carrier
Ronald Reagan subclass

Displacement:101,400 long tons (113,600 short tons)
Length:Overall: 1,092 feet (334 m) Waterline: 1,040 feet (317.0m)
Beam:Overall: 252 ft (76.8 m) Waterline: 134 ft (40.8 m)

The USS Ronald Reagan is the ninth Nimitz Class nuclear powered Supercarrier in the United States Navy, named after President Ronald Reagan and was the first aircraft carrier ever to be named after a president that was still alive. She was commissioned 12 July, 2003. Her home port is in Coronado island, San Diego, California

Please Leave comments and suggestions, and if you like this ship, perhaps a diamond :3
CreditSpee for E2C design
Progress70% complete

20 Update Logs

Update #20 : by Se1fD3struct1on 10/09/2016 7:43:28 pmOct 9th, 2016

decided to add a version of the ship that contains no planes, so that you may add your own if you wish

tweaked the stern a bit to taper better to the end

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02/24/2017 10:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
best carrier that i ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/17/2016 11:55 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Wolf
You need to work on your projects more.
10/10/2016 3:30 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
Icy and nicy. Diamond!
10/09/2016 11:42 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Spelunker
Very nice, is the shaded pack available for 1.10?
10/10/2016 9:06 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sailor
The guys over at the Continuum facebook page should have something
07/22/2016 12:58 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Hi Se1fD3struct1on! I'm an editor of China.
I've found your new project

USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76

. It's really a nice job.
Therefore I'm here to ask if I could repost your project to our website MCBBS:www.mcbbs.net/forum.php.
However, due to the fact that our country has blocked a lot of foreign websites.
So could you allow us create a new Chinese downlink.
I will list your name and the original website clearly.
(Diamond for you :D)
03/23/2016 8:23 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
great update, will love to see this kind of update on the nimitz CVN 68 too, great work
and keep up your amazing ships. your the best ship builder to be honnest
03/22/2016 10:12 pm
Level 25 : Expert Modder
Thank you for your service and great build.
04/12/2015 6:47 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
This is amazing, great work! :)
02/24/2015 8:09 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Wolf
It stalled at 70% NOOOOOOO! What's the latest part that's completely finished, besides the hanger bay?

P.S. I don't mean to be rude
