Minecraft Maps / Complex

Victorian London

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CameronJayK's Avatar CameronJayK
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Victorian London


My favourite period of time has to be the Victorian era. Due to this, I decided  to create a Victorian london inspired map. This may be used for a possible adventure map, or simply left as an exploration map. 


I try to build when I can and I have no limit as to how far I wish to build. I will keep adding to the map when I can. As I do not know how big it will be, there is a high chance that progress will never say 100% unless I decide to finish with the project. A lot of work is still needed and some areas are still rather plain, more detail will be added to these areas at a later date.

The Build

To start off, the first thing that would not have changed dramatically would be the Houses of Parliament. Therfore I started with this (if you wish to be technical, I am inspired and building based on the entire Victorian era. I am currently building Westminister bridge, the second one- the one that still stands today, which was built after the fire I believe). I wanted to maintain it's originality as it is a recreation however, I have added in different blocks (Such as chisled sandstone) to add differentiation. As you may have noticed I have not built it 1:1. In fact, it is a lot larger. I did this as it gives room for detail. So far, no interiors have been created but a large amount of the Houses of Parliament has been completed. Talking of details, the pictures do not really do it justice as it is hard to see them, I apologise.

Resource Pack

I am using Dokucraft texture packs, however I will mix some of them up to give me different textures as I prefer (as they suit better)  different ones. When completed, I wll work on finding a texture pack (maybe creating my own) to give this map the best look possible (like having two different textures of sandstone for differentiation and to help details stand out. Also have more a murk water for the river Thames). For now, I am mainly using Dokucraft High. sorry for no fancy graphics or shaders, I am currently just showing what I have so far in it's raw form.


Please feel free to drop any suggestions as to what to build/ add in! Feel free to also post opions. I will accept any critisism too, but if so, please give a way to improve it or a valid reason why, even if it is just personal opion :)

Thank you,
Progress5% complete

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08/07/2014 4:30 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Ninja
DAN1C4's Avatar
Since I need a map of Victorian London, for my Black Butler server, and it has to be Victorian London. I will of course give you full credit. Keep up the good work :)
08/07/2014 4:26 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Ninja
DAN1C4's Avatar
Could you upload a Beta version? :3
08/05/2014 11:06 pm
Level 82 : Elite Goblin
esmirff's Avatar
Very cool concept.
08/03/2014 12:24 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Fox
kenofox's Avatar
I recommend a program called Chunky to take your screenshot next time. Rendering will allow you to make a better shaded picture. Looks nice by the way.
08/03/2014 12:30 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
CameronJayK's Avatar
Thanks, I'll take a look now and update the images in the future.
