Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

World War I trench warfare capture the flag PVP arena.

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Level 23 : Expert Architect
This map replicating a World War I trench was built specifically for minigames similar to Capture The Flag. There are not any command blocks, which gives flexibility to those who aim to make their own minigames using my map. I did provide /teams for the Central Powers, (Germany, Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire) and the Allied Powers, (United States, Britain, France, and Russia). Feel free to use the map in whatever way you wish, and have fun in a world war experience!!!

~Kaiser Devington
CreditI will give additional credit to my fellow builders, Blockutis and Luke_Playz
Progress100% complete

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11/21/2020 12:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wonderful map, it looks amazing once you download it. I loved the caves etc. very detailed
