Minecraft Maps / Other

Xbox 360 Tutorial TU7 (Bedrock Edition Port!)

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Bedrock Edition
Level 21 : Expert Miner
The original world was provided by JustinTDML on planetminecraft.

I have downloaded that world and ported it to bedrock edition. This is tested on version 1.20.0

If you don't have java edition and you want go through the old TU7 tutorial then this is for you!! If this port is broken in anyway type it in the comments and I will figure out what is wrong. Anyways enjoy!!!

Some things may have not ported properly this may include things like doors so just replace them or break them. I just figured that out after publishing
CreditJustinTDML, 4J Studios, Minecraft
Progress100% complete

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08/14/2019 5:38 pm
Level 21 : Expert Miner
If there are any problems with using this world I will take it down
