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Level 27 : Expert System
The End of the minecraft world has arrived zombie's rule the city and it's your job to survive..
First things first get out of the office tower you where inexplicably having a smoke on top of...
Solving puzzles and placing booted foot in zombie posterior with aggression might just see you thought, if you can find something to eat other than rotten meat.
Along the way you will make some friends, but in a tight situation it's any miner for himself

Additional Notes

Progress is hard to judge.. but we are a long way from finishing, Think yourself handy with redstone, buttons and self resetting puzzles (that is the important bit) Then give Twitchi1003 a shout on the server
CreditDesypher did the library and flats above Pig and Pumpkin, Jeffski Made world of squid and the yatchs
Progress25% complete

1 Update Logs

City hall and Clock tower : by Twitchi 12/12/2011 4:36:14 pmDec 12th, 2011

Finished the zombie city hall.. armour shop, 2 mazes and a multi-player puzzle to get clock tower 'Ticking'
Pictures posted...
Coming next.. water park!!!

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10/13/2011 5:22 am
Level 27 : Expert System
Oh yes my friend.. just go to Bnbserver.co.uk (yeah thats the server ip) and then /warp zcity
10/12/2011 9:48 pm
Level 27 : Expert Scribe
Is it currently online?
10/12/2011 6:11 pm
Level 27 : Expert System
Play testing is underway... plenty of feedback has helped me close some holes in the system.. and make it harder. New ideas are always welcome even if you aren't quite sure how to wire it :D

and yes goldenrock when it is finished i hope to release it, tho it does use one or 2 plugins to make the 'vending machines' and keep teh chests stocked
10/12/2011 6:06 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman System
thats the plan when its finished i think dude - still a long way before the perfectionist twitchi is ready to release
10/12/2011 6:03 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Unicorn
you should make this a adventure map!
10/12/2011 5:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman System
an awesome server project to see develop :D
