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Eco-PvP 1.8

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Level 1 : New Miner
Eco-PvP 1.8
Status Offline Pinged: 09/25/23
Game VersionMinecraft Java
§b§lBob's §e§lSMP §r§7[1.16.1]
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The EcoPvP game mode.

In ecopvp, each time you kill a player you’re given money in which you can use to buy armor, enchants, and etc. You can also invest in farms which create a steady flow of income. These are the basics of ecopvp, although, there is so much more to this game mode. Below are a list of things you may see in ecopvp.

Teaming - first of all teaming is not only allowed, it’s encouraged! Forming alliances with other players is key to becoming a rich and powerful player! Playing and fighting with friends in ecopvp is an experience like no other. There is no official teaming system in ecopvp, instead teams are decided by players and are constantly changing!

Trading - like teaming, there is no official trading system in ecopvp so beware of scammers. Regardless, trading is a great way to exchange items with another player and is very common in ecopvp.

Donators - no, that player is not fly hacking, he is a donator! Donators get access to lounges, extra storage, and specific perms which assist them on there journey to the top. Donating is a good way to gain the upper hand on the competition!

Banking - there are so many ways to earn and spend money in ecopvp other than killing players, farming/ buying items! Here’s a small list of ways people gain and spend money in ecopvp.
- many players will pay or charge you for team.
- default players can pay players who have a rank to buy items for them as for donators have discounted item prices.
- Selling items to other players. have an extra item you don’t want? sell it! Another player may need it.

This list will be ever expanding as we watch and see how players take advantage of there money, power, and etc.
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