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"There was once nothing but a vast continuous void of space in which even time stood stagnant, though to say there was nothing was not entirely true; within this endless expanse there was a singular and omnipresent existence which was present in essence alone. This essence of sort was much a kin to a mind unembodied and housed within the void, trapped in contemplation for eternity and dubbed by itself with the name “Aio”.
This greater existence grew bored of the void and its own thoughts and thusly began to concoct a grandiose plan that’s effects would cause existence to change forever more. Through his plotting, he came to realise that to end his solace and to aid his plans to come, he would create deity’s to serve and obey; these deity’s were forged through his very life force, each given a piece of what you may call his very soul and created from elements stripped right from very thought and thrashed into existence due to his will.
Ragnor was the first of the Deity’s and a being wholly encompassed by crimson flame, he resembled a large eagle of sorts, which would one day be referred to as the legendary and majestic Phoenix. The deity of fire was and is arguably the most powerful of the four and has a deep and strong bond with the very nature of life itself, for he is the light that guides every dark path and the warmth that nurtures every living being; though be warned for he is also the flames of hatred and war that consumes everything in its path. It is said that Ragnor can be found in the fire lands of Draemora within the depths of the lakes of fire, guarded by countless fiend like creatures seemingly warped from their original forms from being too close to Ragnors, immense magical aura for centuries.
Rakasha was the second of the four and was noticeably engulfed in an immense swirling mass of water that continuously shifted within itself in an endless torrent, surrounding his form that resembled a colossal shark. Rakasha although not as mighty as Ragnor, was granted supreme intellect and knowledge, in which he would use to serve his master and guide his fellow deity’s; The deity of water was the very symbol of the change and flow, though he is also known to represent secrets due to the immense and unexplored regions of water in which he is presumed to reside, hidden from prying eyes. In the depths of the great Ocean there are rumours that there lays a great palace of gold and gem, guarded by sea dragons and krakens; within this wondrous palace lays a library of untold knowledge, countless books written by Rakasha containing the answers to almost every question in existence.
Ousen is the third of the deity’s summoned into the realm of the void and although he was not as mighty, or immensely intelligent as the deity’s Rangnor and Rakasha; Ousen was unbelieveably devious and plotting and unlike the deity’s before him had no set shape and changed form at will according to his will and thusly could allow his imagination to run wild when forming new entity’s. It is believed that Ousen was the first to bring forth the concept of deceit and trickery to mortals in his boredom, though if that wasn’t atrocious enough, Ousen gave the mortal races a piece of the very power the deity’s themselves use and that is the magical powers that run rampart in the lands today . This spread of magical power at first would seem like an incredible gift of kindness, but what all did not know, including his fellow deity’s is that mortal minds could not control such divine energy’s and they would succumb to corruption and be warped the moment they became overwhelmed with their own power. Ousen is believed to reside upon his floating palace far above the highest mountain and the very clouds themselves, within this palace it is said to be countless strange creatures and abominations of life itself; created for his very own amusement and if a person were to miraculously arrive inside Ousens immaculate throne room, he would grant them a gift like no other.
Then finally we have Thera a giant being sculpted from stone resembling that of stone Giants and possessing a beauty that could be matched by no other. Thera was both intelegent and strong, not as great as the deity of fire and water; though more mighty than Rakasha and more intelligent than Ragnor. Thera was confident and proud and sought recognition more than any of the other deity, which would be later reflected in her creations which sought conquest across the lands for countless millennia. It is believed that Thera’s lair lay far below the ground in a massive cavern in which she slumbers; if awoken it is said that Thera would rebirth the diminished giant race and once again her children would lay conquest upon the surface.
After the four were created by Aio, he gave them a task upon which its completion, one would receive a gift for their service; this task was to create a world that was perfect in which to foster life and allow its development. Naturally, the four Deities were thrilled and began to create structures throughout the void. The Deity of Air created pockets of air in the void, which took up space. The Deity of Fire made large balls of flaming mass, bright and full of energy. The Deity of Water put orbs of liquid into the void, and the Deity of Earth made uneven, misshapen spheres of rock. For hundreds of thousands of years, these Deities worked to appease Aio and complete this gargantuan request, but nothing they created could allow life to flourish in all of its diverse forms. Their creations were imperfect and lacking in balance. The Deity’s became frustrated and chaos began to ensue as the Deity’s lashed out at each other, in a war of Godly proportion.
Through this clash of titans the balls of air, fire, earth, and water merged, forming one greater mass, which is now known as Vayleryn. Aio was pleased with the creation of this harmonious creation of balance which could foster almost any form of life and granted the Deity’s the dominion over this perfect world to watch over and guide.
The deity’s on their new world needed life to rule over and thusly decided to create the first four races, one for each deity that would inherit their deity’s personality and traits. The first of the creations which began to wander the lands were the Giants of stone created by Thera. These Colossal beings quickly began to flourish in the untouched world of Vayleryn and they soon began to wage war and begin an age of conquest amoung themselves, in the pursuit of dominance. The giants were confident, aggressive and unrelenting; they took these qualities from Thera and this would eventually lead them into conflict with all of the other races due to their belief of superiority and lust to rule. The Stone Giants of Thera were ageless beasts of stone which would only die through conflict with each other, though they were blessed with immortality and strength beyond any other mortal creature, they lacked the ability to reproduce and this is what has caused these colossal creatures to become a rarity in the current world.
The next of the four great races to be formed was the Naga, a race of intellectuals who would hide in the depths of the oceans within Rakasha’s jade palace. The Naga was a reclusive and shy race which simply kept to themselves and advanced their culture below the surface away from the raging Giants of the over world which ran rampart. The naga are large snake like creatures resembling that of a modern elf crossed with a greater sea serpent, these massive leviathans of the sea were gentle giants which harboured ill will to none and simply enjoyed their own company. It is believed that the Naga could live for roughly three centuries within the depths of the ocean and could even traverse upon land, though this was an exceptional rarity as they avoided the rocky landscapes due to the giants wandering above which was in constant conflict with the other races of the land.
Ousen upon creating his race found amusement in creating a race of abominations which constantly changed and morphed into various forms and shapes. This race of being couldn’t exactly be described as one entity but the little that is known about these creatures is that they are the ancestors of almost every one of the diverse races that wander the land currently, such as the Orcs, Trolls, Skaven and countless more. The race as a whole could not fall under a singular category of mental similarity or biological factors as they changed so greatly during their life spans, which amused Ousen greatly and caused chaos throughout the land.
Then the last of the races created was the Averni which were small creatures standing at around four feet tall and cloaked in immense flame, they had noticeable similarity to the dwarves in their appearance but were notably larger and strangely lit aflame most likely due to being imbued with Ragnors essence. The Averni were incredibly strong willed and generally gentle and reasonable, but could easily be sparked into a furious rage which would consume their minds and send them on a rampage. They were frequently in conflict with the Giants and would wage war frequently to protect the fire lands of Ragnor from the constant conquest of the Stone born giants. It is believed that the Averni would live short lives, their energy and life force being consumed by their great flames and this would cause them to live for around only half a century."

Vayleryn is a strict-roleplay server. We have recently launched alpha, so whitelisted players can begin having a look at what we're doing and catching bugs before the final release.


Vayleryn boasts a plethora of custom plugins; these are openly developed and it's possible for any Java-literate members to contribute back to the community by fixing bugs or adding new features. We use industry standard tools such as Git and Maven in order to coordinate work. We like to see ourselves as being on the edge of Minecraft roleplay and strive to give you the best roleplay experience possible. We update all plugins weekly on a Friday to the latest stable builds.


Vayleryn is set in a world where the forces of order and chaos are in a viscious battle, with heavily organised religion controlling and manipulating the orderly people and chaos scattered, disorganised.
In the alpha test, you play in a pocket universe, outside of Vayleryn itself. This serves as a prolugue to where Vayleryn began.

Additional Notes

Vayleryn strict RP server
CreditLucariatias, brandt2846, s0lluth, Hakuza, Skylios, Bblumenburg98, Lindasaurus

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