Destiny 2 Fallen Captain Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Destiny 2 Fallen Captain

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Archival Mind
Level 66 : High Grandmaster System Collective
Strange how this one always ended up being the biggest pain for me to do. Whether it was the D1 version or D2. Plus, I always experimented on the Taken Captains the most when trying to perfect "The Takening".

Resilient, MajorDestiny 2 Fallen Captain Minecraft SkinDestiny 2 Fallen Captain Minecraft Skin
Post-Beyond Light (minor, elite, major)Destiny 2 Fallen Captain Minecraft Skin
Mithrax (Zero Hour)

Welp, that concludes the Fallen. Tune in next time when we go over the Cabal... and then the Loyalists.

UPDATE 8/28/2020 - Re-textured the head under the helmet as part of the Slight Fallen Head Change Project. All D2 Fallen I've uploaded will have undergone this change by 8/29.

UPDATE 9/18/2020 - Brightened the darker armor colors on the minor variants. Brightened scarf on the Resilient Captain. Brightened re-breather on all variants.

UPDATE 7/1/22 - Fixed purple bandages/cloth to lean more towards blue-purple rather thank magenta

UPDATE 7/4/22 - Changed bronze armor for Mithrax's Zero Hour variant

UPDATE 6/1/23 - Added generic variant

3 Update Logs

Update #3 - Dusk Redo Initiative : by Archival Mind 11/24/2020 2:51:13 pmNov 24th, 2020

- Changed textures for all variants
- Added post-Beyond Light versions (differences in bandage color)

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