Dubitari Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Original God & Goddesses Skin Contest.

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Mechanolith's Avatar Mechanolith
Level 44 : Master Grump
So, this is my late-as-always entry to the contest, hope you like it. ;)

Dubitari is the god of indecision, probability and mostly everything related with the concept of alternatives and doubt. Unlike most gods he wasn't born as one, but as a human. During his human life he might have had ambitions, but who knows? Even he doesn't know... dubious as he was, he wasn't even certain from what he wanted or what was his existence for.
What does it really means to be whoever you are? What does it means to exist? What raised him to the level of a god was finding himself an answer to the very ultimate question to life, the universe, and everything. Unlike most people think, the answer wasn't exactly 42, but something else... something he has hidden inside that small pocket, something he will guard with his own life (as a god, he is also immortal, so good luck with anything you're planning to get it in your hands)!

I wish good luck to all the participants on the contest, and, as i usually don't ask: please diamond this skin if you like it. A favorite if you really like it wouldn't hurt as well. :D

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11/05/2014 7:47 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
TheRoboNugget's Avatar
Could you possibly make an 1.8 version. I think it would look really cool.
09/04/2014 8:19 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
theninja23's Avatar
could i use this as my youtuber skin?
08/04/2013 10:11 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
_rets's Avatar
07/10/2013 8:34 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Geek
Tomato's Avatar
Someone learned latin overhere

Dubitari => god of doubt
nice idea
07/10/2013 5:02 pm
Level 44 : Master Grump
Mechanolith's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback! It seems someone noticed it. By the way, the correct Latin form is "dubitare" if I am not mistaken.
Since Latin is the root of my native language i naturally know a bit of it.
07/11/2013 4:06 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Geek
Tomato's Avatar
yes your correct, it's dubitare and the passive form is dubitari

to doubt :p

but no doubt about your skin, it's nice
07/10/2013 3:52 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
ThomasDeHomenChristo's Avatar
I Really like this skin hope it wins!!
07/04/2013 1:45 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
mischajay's Avatar
Heya! I think your skin looks very nice and definitely deserves to be in
the final top 100! But unfortunately, your skin needs a certain amount
of diamonds to reach it :/ I'm trying to advertise a little for you, but
I can't promise anything. If you'd like to see your skin in the top
100, I think you should try to advertise yourself a little, too. Just go
in the PMC-chat and post a link to your skin every 15 minutes. Good
07/04/2013 6:14 pm
Level 44 : Master Grump
Mechanolith's Avatar
Thanks a lot for the help, I really appreciate your work!
I somehow managed to get into the Top 100 skins on the two previous contests with a relatively low amount of diamonds, the judges are super-awesome and always try to pay attention to less-known skinners during review.

As for the advertising part: i don't see myself advertising because i believe recognition comes with time and with the help of people who enjoy my work and help it spread (like you are doing), and I am really grateful!
07/05/2013 2:07 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
mischajay's Avatar
You should be good, 16 diamonds would be enough to get into the top 100. I just don't like seeing entrys like this being unnoticed, so I decided to do a little bit about it. :)
