Ethyl Ether Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed "Cyberpunk Reloaded" - Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Ethyl Ether

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ahyjie's Avatar ahyjie
Level 51 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
At night is when the city dies.

When the cars become cold, icy husks.
At night is when the lights blink out, plunging all into a void.
When even the light of the moon cannot penetrate the shadows.
At night is when all sound fades.

At night is when the city that is not a city wakes from death.

Now is the time for the nocturnal creatures to slither out of hiding, to bathe themselves in darkness. To plot coups, to vie for power. To barter for hidden tech, to hire assassins and mercenaries to not stain your hands.

One person in the day will die and be reborn anew in the night. No longer are they the unassuming office employee or the tired, fed up barista. No longer are they the manager of a business.

Everyone who wakes at night is not who they are. They are not who they say they are.

The night does something to them.
What was once leashed has been set free, and what was once free is now caged.

At night, nowhere is safe from the un-city. The city within a city that is not a city. In an underground operation full of outcasts, cyborgs, and dangers, no one is an outcast.

They say give a man a mask and he will show you his true face. At night is when those true faces are shown, when masks are put on, when fake identities are donned.
In the un-city of night, you are always being watched.


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Ethyl Ether Minecraft Skin

Having been abandoned by their parents, Ethyl and Ether are two "accidents" who love to mess around with technology. They're surprisingly good at it and can construct a myriad of items with a few mismatched parts. However, they can only do their work in the Un-City, where authorities can't track them down and give them the boot for unauthorised tampering with products. Yet, for some reason, they hate the Un-City and prefer to make their money honestly through actual working and a government-approved game called Chromatic. Day by day, they get by, just trying to pay off the rent on their apartment and other bills. They aren't living in poverty, but they sure are in the bottommost percentage of the middle class.

But their life turns sour when Ethyl loses the Chromatic Championships.

It is the biggest game of the year in Chromatic and billions of people have a day off from work just to slip on their headsets and spectate the match. This year marked the game's 50th anniversary and it was hyped to the point where everyone knew about it, even people in the countryside who had no technology. Ethyl's team, the "NASA Wannabes", had almost snagged the 100,000 notes that would be evenly distributed to the 4 people on the team. All of them were high level players (80+) and had been playing since childhood. But Ethyl's single rookie mistake cost her team the game.

Her team had turned their backs on her afterwards, booting her out of the game and erasing her from their records.

Then the blackmail began.

They were chased out of their apartment, even chased off the streets. The only place left for them was the city that wasn't a city.

But there were dangers lurking there as well.
Ethyl and Ether knew the Un-City was always dangerous. No matter how frivolous, bright, and calm the atmosphere may seem, no matter how friendly the shopkeepers are, everyone is alert and ready to draw their guns at any moment.

The twins threw their identities away to become nameless, undocumented citizens. They changed their looks from average citizens to synchronise with the eccentricities and neon-lit hotspots of the Un-City. They tried to become untrackable. Ether informed his boss about his situation, and he was henceforth "rehired" to "replace" Ether who had been "fired" for making multiple mistakes on his reports. Ethyl rebooted her headset so that she became a new player and she worked to devise new strategies that wouldn't resemble her old ones.

They thought all was well after the blackmail stopped. They were hiding behind a mask that could be ripped off at any moment, but for now, they could live without being threatened day and night.

But their fake identities can only last so long before the real ones slip out.

Ethyl Ether Minecraft Skin

Good luck to everyone who's entering the contest!

CreditMCSkin3D, Oblivion

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09/27/2017 6:26 am
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
OoooOOooooo, I like this. Cool story to go along with it too. Did you come up with it yourself?
10/03/2017 10:55 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
ahyjie's Avatar
Thank you! And yeah, I came up with it by myself, though I got inspiration for it while I was listening to some music.
Normally, my writing would be much better, but this time around I was overloaded with schoolwork.
09/20/2017 2:08 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
Sanhoshi's Avatar
[sub]A fabulous skin :^)
Also, Oblivion's below me owo)
09/19/2017 3:58 am
She/Her • Level 80 : Elite Skinner
Oblivion's Avatar
apologies for not responding to your PM in time, but both skins came out really nice! love the blue gradient in the girls hair & lil bits of detail you added to her, i wish you luck in the contest ^^
09/19/2017 10:09 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
ahyjie's Avatar
No, no, please don't worry about that. And thank you so much!
09/17/2017 2:18 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
--spectre's Avatar
Awesome skin, good luck!
09/17/2017 2:19 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
ahyjie's Avatar
Thank you, you too!
09/17/2017 1:43 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
Peachayre's Avatar
So p-pretty! ;o
09/17/2017 1:54 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
ahyjie's Avatar
Thank you! :3
09/17/2017 1:40 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Cake
Angel's Avatar
so cute <3!
