late to the love live skinfest whooops | Nico Yazawa Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

late to the love live skinfest whooops | Nico Yazawa

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emuchi's Avatar emuchi
Level 20 : Expert Procrastinator
hhahA--- //requested by a friend bc i felt like making a skin but didnt know what skin to make ;;

oh boy how does one shade
how does one make pigtails
i want to cry i thought it'd turn out better than this but hey i tried
pls notify me if there're any mistakes

tbh nozomi is my fav girl and always has been

ah ive also been dragged in by the otome game mystic messenger
maybe i could try making skins of those characters lolol
details tho ;;;;

pls send requests, i wanna get back into skinning whenever i have free time but a lot of the time idk what skins to make^^;

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