Left Behind [My First Contest Entry!] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Santa's Workshop Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Left Behind [My First Contest Entry!]

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  • 90
nightmayer19's Avatar nightmayer19
Level 43 : Master Scribe
The distant sun sluggishly dipped below the jagged, frozen horizon, indicating to the inhabitants of the North Pole that Christmas was steadily approaching. Although the date proved to be on the brink of the 24th, hustle and bustle within the lone, cozy manor that was perched upon a wide, snow-covered plateau did not appear to cease even a small amount. There was much work to be done.

One of the elves amongst one of the crowded assembly stations labored meticulously upon a single toy-- a golden-haired, Christmas-topper that took the form of an endearing angel, clothed in an emerald green smock. Her large, turquoise eyes stared warmly up at her creator as if she were thanking the toymaker for her diligence toward her fabrication. The elf, a peach-cheeked brunette, allowed a smile to cross her petite lips while placing the delicate angel upon her work bench. Her beam hardly expressed the utmost delight she possessed in regards to finishing the first gift of her career, but contained an obvious, triumphant glow.

Just as the dark-haired elf had situated the tiny angel upon the surface of the table, an upbeat jingle of sleigh bells echoed throughout the enormous, brightly candle-lit room. The signal presumably signified the end of the work day, due to the almost immediate conclusion of all toy production, and a handful of extravagantly dressed elves, brandishing large, empty velvet sacks, skipped along each long table, collecting the remaining toys that had not yet been submitted for the highly-anticipated Christmas journey. The brunette glanced one last time at her contribution toward worldwide joy before being brusquely rushed along by her superiors.

That night, the newly christened toymaker could hardly sleep, but eventually managed to coax herself into a halfhearted slumber, waking fairly refreshed to the largest North Pole celebration of the year. After savoring a substantial breakfast consisting of eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and various sweets, she joined a group of her closest elven friends, of whom extended their sincere congratulations pertaining to her masterfully crafted angel topper and caused her salmon-dyed cheeks flushed a deep scarlet at their wave of compliments.

Christmas day passed rather quickly, giving weigh to a chilly, star-speckled night. The brown-haired elf climbed the stone-brick stairs that led to her sleeping quarters, shuffled to her four-poster bed, then collapsed upon its crimson, fleece comforter. She rolled her exhausted body onto her side and gazed out the ice-bordered panes of her room's bay window. For a moment, she absorbed the awe-inspiring landscape beyond the glass; however, it did not take long for her to notice a slight, golden gleaming in the fluffy white snow. She squinted her aquamarine eyes in the dim lighting, attempting to focus her stare, then gradually recognized a familiar form jutting out from the soft blanket of snowflakes.

Gleaming, blonde angel hair danced in the arctic wind as the precious tree-topper lied melancholically amongst the white powder and tears accumulated along the rim of the brunette elf's sky-blue irises.

Image << For those without previewers... What a sad life you must live! ; ^;




1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by nightmayer19 12/15/2013 6:12:25 pmDec 15th, 2013

Alright-- I tried adding in some darker shading, fixed the wings, repositioned her eyes, and posted another picture. Lemme know what you think! :)

-- EDIT --
Also added sides of her wings along the inside of her arms and around the sides-- Lemme know if you think I should keep them! It looks so weird when she moves... T^T

-ATOM- told me to attempt some "hue shifting" so I gave it a shot :P

Added highlights at the tops of her legs so it blends nicely with her stomach and thighs as she moves :)

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12/12/2015 11:07 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
DragonsForce's Avatar
I'm going to steal that wing design.... It looks great!
12/17/2015 11:13 pm
Level 42 : Master Paladin
Diasavia's Avatar
You're kidding right?
12/18/2015 12:24 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
DragonsForce's Avatar
Well, I won't steal... If I start skinning again, I might use that wing design. I really like it.
12/18/2015 4:08 pm
Level 42 : Master Paladin
Diasavia's Avatar
You can't do that, bro.
12/18/2015 5:21 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
DragonsForce's Avatar
Oh, I can do a lot of things... Doesn't mean that I will, though.
12/18/2015 5:23 pm
Level 42 : Master Paladin
Diasavia's Avatar
You will get banned if you steal his wings.
06/11/2015 12:18 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
Jaci455's Avatar
01/14/2014 11:05 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Botanist
Olly's Avatar
This should of been way further up! ;_; Oh well. 17th for your first contest entry, I say that is pretty darn good.
07/29/2014 11:17 pm
Level 43 : Master Scribe
nightmayer19's Avatar
D'aww thanks!!!~ :)
01/04/2014 12:26 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
geekgrl5000's Avatar
Nicely done! This skin deserves to be in at least the top ten. :) Diamond!
01/04/2014 1:31 pm
Level 43 : Master Scribe
nightmayer19's Avatar
Awwwww thank you so much!!! ; ^;
