Maleficent Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins


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Level 65 : High Grandmaster Narwhal
I've seen a few Disney Princess skins recently, and felt I should even the scales with a Disney Villain.  Here's Maleficent, from the original Sleeping Beauty.  I tried something quite different with the eyes/ looked decent while creating the skin, but I'm not sure it comes off all that well.  Was interesting trying something different.
Here's a regular version as well.undefined

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10/20/2015 5:59 am
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
I think I need to watch Sleeping Beauty again. And speaking of Maleficent, someone made a rubber band Maleficent dragon, which I made! <3
Mine Maus Craft
03/06/2015 3:50 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
I loved the moovie :-)
06/15/2014 12:36 pm
Level 46 : Master Princess
Your head designs are always so good ;o;
06/15/2014 10:24 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Narwhal
Thank you! I was trying to get her iconic high-raised-eyebrows to work out - still not sure i succeeded as much as I'd hoped. I may make a few tweaks, maybe.
06/15/2014 12:32 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
I think the black needs a little more contrast c:
06/15/2014 10:27 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Narwhal
Yea, i think you're right.  I was sticking a bit too close to her appearance in the movie, which was pretty much all black with no highlights or shadows.
06/23/2014 8:10 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
What do you mean? All of her clothes including her horn coverings are supposed to be black. Why would you want to make a Maleficent skin? She's way too complecated to just slap onto a skin. Oh, yeah, and by the way, her clothes do have quite a bit of contrast. If you watched the movie, there are two things you should know: that I'm right and that she's actually not a villain, or a hero. She's neutral.
06/23/2014 10:20 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Narwhal
While I welcome comments and constructive feedback on my skins, please do so respecftully.  Questioning my effort, declaring that I am wrong and you are right, and doing so in an agressive manner comes off as rather offensive.

That being said, I would agree that this is not one of my 'better' skins.  I had an idea that I wanted to try out, specifically with the head design, and I tried it out. I thought the result was interesting enough to post for others to see. I wrote this all down in the description.  As for you "being right", which movie are you referring to?  Becuase, as I mentioned in the description, this is Maleficent from the original Disney movie "Sleeping Beauty", not from the new Angelina Jolie movie.  This is what she looks like. Not much contrast, is there?  And she most certainly WAS a villain - She calls herself "The mistress of all Evil" - She turns into a fire-breathing destructive dragon - and she is an official "Disney Villain".
06/24/2014 10:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
Oh, I thought that you were talking about the movie, "Maleficent". Not "Sleeping Beauty". You should think about how she is in both movies, then come up with an answer. She is way different in the new one than the old one. Try to pay attention to that fact.
