Sad Face: The Evil Emotion Controlling Wizard Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Emotions Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Sad Face: The Evil Emotion Controlling Wizard

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Rimdock's Avatar Rimdock
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher

It is a emotion controlling wizard, please read the stroy!

I didn't really like theme, but i found a way to make it "fun". lol

dimonds will help this skin in the contest, if you like please dimond it :)

 Sad Face: The Evil Emotion Controlling Wizard Minecraft Skin

Story   ;-;
 Long ago, when magic was just invented, there lived a young mage chemist named Jimdock. Jim was one of the first magic chemists of the 3000’s (magic chemists became very popular over time); He was experimenting with a very powerful magic, the magic of emotion. Jimdock was trying to create a spell that would make people feel joyful and happy. You see, Jim and his friends lived in the magic depression era; everyone was trying to get money by selling cheap spells to the rich, (who were very amused even by the most simple magic) so they could feed their families. Most of the people at that time where very depressed because of lost family and friends, they were hard times. 

Every day Jim tried and tried to get the spell right, he mixed different emotions together over and over, but he could not get a happiness spell. Jim started kicking and yelling; after all of this he bent his head over the test tube he was experimenting in and he shed a single tear. The tear Jimdock shed, was full of anger, sadness, and pure evil. It fell directly into the tube; Jim looked up for a moment and then looked at the tube. Suddenly the tube exploded in Jim’s face.

Jim Ran out of the house, as he did, he noticed his hand was faintly glowing green someone ran up to Jim and tried to help. Suddenly when the man saw Jims face, he had a look of terror in his face, and ran. Jim stumbled around in the pitch black night, and looked in a puddle of water; the explosion deformed his face, it was ugly and melted, his hand glowing in the dark. Jim put his green hand up to a woman sitting on her porch and said “help”. The woman looked terrified, “I was trying to make people happy”. Suddenly the woman’s face changed, it was full of happiness. The woman walked inside. “I’ve done it!” yelled Jim, he put his and up to a crying girl and thought happy thoughts, and she got up and walked inside

Jim was a hero in the town, making everyone happy. But the tear that had finished the spell was full of anger and pure evil, his power wasn’t meant for happiness, it was meant for anger. The hand corrupted Jims mind slowly over time until Jim when from a hero to a villain. Jim was now called sad face and wore a mask with a frown to cover his ugly face. He used his power to make people angry, and turn against each other. He used them to make sad and desperate. Jim had turned to powerful no one could stop him, even the most brave and strong heroes fell to the ground crying because of sad face’s power. His glowing green hand had turned Jim into a monster; he wore a dark brown cloak enchanted with people’s emotions. The frowning mask of sad face terrifies people across the world. But there is still time if you are reading this you can do something, sneak up to sad face’s tower and cut off his hand, the hand is what is corrupting him. It is up to you hero, the world is in your hands.        
if you are lazy
he is an evil wizard that controls emotion

shame on you,  you think you can just skip the story and reading the lazy guy stuff. NO go back and read it! lol 

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08/27/2014 8:19 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
I_am_INACTIVE's Avatar
08/30/2014 11:29 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Rimdock's Avatar
Monster Unicorns
08/26/2014 7:55 am
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
Went* and Wonderful story I loved it very creative! Ironic that I'm already wearing a mage skin when I thought of saving sad face from his corruption.
08/26/2014 9:26 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Rimdock's Avatar
lol, thanks fo da support!
Monster Unicorns
08/26/2014 9:32 am
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
hehe Welcome :P
08/26/2014 4:50 am
Level 35 : Artisan System
xdthomasu's Avatar
so evil

*cri* ;-;
08/26/2014 9:27 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Rimdock's Avatar
;-; lol ;-;
08/25/2014 10:24 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
PixelBit's Avatar
I love it, period
08/25/2014 10:26 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Rimdock's Avatar
08/25/2014 10:25 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Rimdock's Avatar
thank you
