SCP-939-98 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins


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RussiaED's Avatar RussiaED
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Item #: SCP-939

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-939-1, -3, -19, -53, -89, -96, -98, -99, and -109 are kept in Cell 1163-A or 1163-B, 10 m x 10 m x 3 m containment chambers within Armed Bio-Containment Area-14. Both cells are environmentally regulated and negatively pressurized, with walls constructed of reinforced concrete. Access to these cells is regulated by an outer decontamination chamber and inner gas-tight steel security doors. Observation windows are constructed of laminated ballistics glass 10 cm in thickness protected by a 100kV electrified mesh. Humidity is maintained at 100% at a temperature of 16° C. Specimens are monitored at all times via infrared cameras. Level Four authorization is required to access SCP-939, their containment areas, or the observation chambers.

SCP-939-101 is dismembered and stored in Cryogenic Preservation Tanks 939-101A to 939-101M within Bio-Research Area-12. Access to SCP-939-101 requires authorization by two Clearance Level 3 personnel, one of which must be present for all research and testing. The contents of only one (1) 939-101 tank may be accessed at any given time. Core temperature of SCP-939-101 tissues must be monitored while removed from cryogenic preservation; should core temperature exceed 10° C, tissues are to be returned to their corresponding tank and all testing suspended for a period of seventy-two (72) hours. Barring core temperature exceeding 10° C, research of SCP-939-101 tissues may continue as long as its ramblings and pleas for release may be tolerated.

Containment cells should be cleaned biweekly. While this takes place, SCP-939 specimens will be transferred to the adjacent cell. During this time, the cell's door and observation window must be inspected for damage and repaired or replaced accordingly.

Heavy sedation of all SCP-939 is required before any interaction, including transfer between cells and experimentation, may take place. See Document #939-TE4 for transfer and experimentation protocol.

Level C Hazmat gear is to be worn by personnel during interactions with SCP-939 specimens and in any areas which SCP-939 have been known to inhabit. Afterward, standard decontamination procedures are to be observed by all personnel involved to ensure no secondary spread of amnestic agents occurs.

Following Incident ABCA14-939-3, all non Class D personnel interacting with SCP-939 for any length of time are required to wear two (2) water-proof electronic pulse monitors for the duration of such interaction. These pulse monitors will transmit to a wireless monitoring system independent of a facility's main power grid, with at least one backup power system on standby. Should both an individual's pulse monitors flat-line or otherwise malfunction, the wearer will be presumed dead, personnel instructed to disregard all the wearer's subsequent vocalizations, and a breach of containment declared automatically. Security personnel responding to such a breach are likewise required to wear these pulse monitors.

Additionally, all live SCP-939 must be implanted with subdermal tracking devices upon capture.

Well thats one big part too read aint it?
In short,
This is 939, but an albino skin.

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