Spooktacular~ (Jack) (Halloween Special!) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Spooktacular~ (Jack) (Halloween Special!)

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TheHipster's Avatar TheHipster
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
Happy Halloween, I hope it will be the most horrifying one yet! 

Jack was a simple boy. A simple boy, no sense of style, not many friends, different tastes... but Jack was brave nonetheless. The thirty-first of October, a time were Ghasts, Ghouls and all sorts of monsters would wake, and children would trade sweets and candy. The children dressed as the monsters, for they believed it would outsmart the ghosts and protect them. Jack had never worn a fancy costume unlike all the other boys and girls in his school. They became vampires, werewolfs, witches and the lot. Jack would only wear a mask. He thought there was no need to wear funny looking outfits. On the night of (as the people would call it) Halloween, Jack took his "outfit" and walked out. It was dark. Tonight, Jack saw no children. He shrugged it off, thinking they were already trick or treating. Jack began to walk, heading to the shortcut into the rich area.  A park was just ahead, that had a path, looking as if it'd be quicker. He headed in without second thought. It was surrounded by tall, slightly crooked trees, and darkish grass with wild purple flowers. Jack was used to the quite scary trees and odd flowers, him and most others took this path all the time.
Jack began to slow down. Something was wrong. He just realised he was the only one here. He started to hurry, walking faster and faster. No-one outside tonight at his street, the park shortcut empty. What was going on? Where is everybody?

He saw the black, rusted gates. A sign above read "BIRTH AVENUE." There, the rich area. He was probably a bit late. He carefully opened the gates. Finally, he thought. He was away from the loneliness. He stepped in. All his friends are here, he thought. Jack fell to his knees. Nobody here either. All the houses were filled with Halloween white, large onions (to scare the vampires) dark, mean-looking gnomes (to attack the witches) and candle-lit pumpkins (to light the way.) Yet he saw no-one. He decided to check, so he went up to one of the houses and knocked. No-one answered. He knocked again, only to recieve the same reply. He sighed, trying countless doors. No-one was here. He was all alone. Jack decided to try one last time, so he went up to the end house. It looked just like any of the other houses, yet it gave off a weird vibe. Jack stepped back. He could've sworn he saw someone peering through the gap in the curtains. Was it good someone was in there? Turn round and run back to your home, Jack thought. The park's emptiness made him think twice. He didn't want to go back there, so he looked back and knocked. After a few seconds, the door opened. Dressed in ragged emerald green robes was a lady, hunchbacked and greyed. She smiled, walked back in, and came out several minutes later with several candies. Jack smiled back and showed her his bucket. She poured in the treats. "Happy Halloween young man! I dare say it has been awfully quiet. Agree?" Jack nodded, she walked back in, closing the door behind her.

Maybe everyone was just home, maybe everyone just decided to stay inside today. He walked through the park confidently, taking out a lolipop from his bundle. The lolipop tasted odd, nothing he'd ever tasted before. Must be expensive, he thought. He looked down at his bundle. It's quite a lot, he thought. How he was going to finish it all he did not know. His answer was already there for him however. Standing at the front of his own street' gates, was a lady, dressed in emerald green, hunchbacked and greyed. He felt a sharp pain run through his body. He had no idea what was happening. She was walking closer, not calling for help. She did not look worried. Then he realised. He fell down, his lolipop falling out his mouth. The last thing he heard was a pair of scissors. Jack was a simple boy. A simple boy, no idea what could harm him.

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11/02/2014 7:07 am
Level 49 : Master Wolf
ChileanMiner5's Avatar
You wished me a horrifying Halloween
I died
11/02/2014 6:34 am
Level 49 : Master Wolf
ChileanMiner5's Avatar
*puts on hipster shades upside down*
11/02/2014 6:38 am
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
TheHipster's Avatar
So hipster, right there.
11/02/2014 6:40 am
Level 49 : Master Wolf
ChileanMiner5's Avatar
*Throws a JoyAlmond at your eyes*
You're welcome.
11/02/2014 6:49 am
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
TheHipster's Avatar
I'm blind now. -_-
11/02/2014 6:51 am
Level 49 : Master Wolf
ChileanMiner5's Avatar
It builds character.
//chops legs off
Quit complainin', yo.
11/01/2014 10:20 am
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
11/01/2014 10:24 am
Level 29 : Expert Explorer
TheHipster's Avatar
It's funny, I was thinking someone'd say that.
Stay safe/Don't take candy from strangers
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