Zeref - {Fabulous White Mage} Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Zeref - {Fabulous White Mage}

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Ulquiorra's Avatar Ulquiorra
Level 39 : Artisan Theorist
You see, Zeref went from a rich emo white kid who discriminates against the color white to a slightly less emo white god who clearly accepts both races! Of course I'm joking, and frankly I don't have the skill to make a skin to match Mashima's terrific costume design, however it looks kind of familiar...

Zeref - {Fabulous White Mage} Minecraft Skin
Our godly god of gods

Zeref - {Fabulous White Mage} Minecraft Skin

Wait a minute.. he looks similar to Abe No Seimei...

Zeref - {Fabulous White Mage} Minecraft Skin

Now that you mention it, this looks like him too!

Seriously?! He looks like Roku too?! Not cool man!!

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