Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Final Fantasy Texture Pack

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    ffkid's Avatar ffkid
    Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
    Hi everyone,

    This is my texture pack, based on my passions: both Final Fantasy and Minecraft. :)

    Any suggestions/changes or feedback would be most welcome, so feel free to leave a comment below.

    Reached 1700 downloads and 13000 views! Wow, thanks a lot everyone for your support, I really appreciate it more than I can express! :D Hope to have it finished soon for you all! :)

    Newest download: Beta 1.1

    Additional Notes

    CreditImages: FinalFantasyWikia, Eorzeapedia and Copyright/All Rights Reserved : Square-Enix, Squaresoft and Square - 2011
    Progress60% complete
    Game VersionMinecraft 1.8 beta

    8 Update Logs

    Beta 1.1 : by ffkid 09/29/2011 2:59:05 pmSep 29th, 2011

    +Made texture pack compatible with Minecraft 1.8
    +Changed texture of zombies to zombies out of FF4.
    +Changed texture of squids to ultros out of FF6
    +Changed texture of the Creative Mode item selection screen and slider.
    +Changed texture of bow in all three charged states.
    +Changed texture of golden armour (when worn) - not completed yet.
    +Changed texture of golden boots (when worn).
    +Changed texture of the top of jukeboxes.
    +Changed texture of ender pearls.
    +Changed texture of paper (again).
    +Changed texture of chests and double chests (again), as well as with the opening and closing animations.
    +Changed texture of arrows as an item (again).
    +Changed texture of iron leggings as an item.
    +Changed texture of bowls (again).
    +Changed texture of mushroom soup (again).

    +Added a stem to saplings to make them touch the ground.
    +Improved texture of grass blocks.
    +Improved texture of obsidian so it blends together better in large numbers.
    +Improved texture of dirt blocks with snow on them.
    +Improved texture of iron blocks.
    +Improved texture of both types of mushrooms so they actually touch the ground now.
    +Improved texture of both types of flowers so they actually touch the ground now.
    +Improved texture of the three types of saplings so they actually touch the ground now, and rotated the stem of one of the saplings too.
    +Improved texture of diamond blocks.
    +Improved texture of ladders.
    +Improved texture of books.
    +Slightly improved texture of lit furnaces.

    +Fixed previous texture mistake between coal and flint.
    +Fixed bug involving new double chest texture.

    -Removed texture for coal.
    -Removed texture for cookies.
    -Removed texture of smooth stone.

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    Satoshi Kuroryuu
    07/03/2012 10:15 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
    Satoshi Kuroryuu's Avatar
    Chocobo says Wark
    Your statement is false!
    07/05/2012 11:45 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
    ffkid's Avatar
    It can be either. Both "Kweh!" and "Wark!" are used in the games. ;)
    06/15/2012 7:24 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
    ffkid's Avatar
    Exams finish in a week! Expect updates soon! Thanks everyone for your continued support! :)
    05/18/2012 9:16 am
    Level 26 : Expert Pony
    sseeaann33's Avatar
    UNBELIEVABLE! 9 FAVORITES AND NO DIAMONDS?!?! i will now help a good cause. :)
    05/18/2012 10:14 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
    ffkid's Avatar
    Thanks! :D I promise to get it done as soon as I can :)
    05/15/2012 7:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ultra441's Avatar
    Dude you have to update this :D
    05/17/2012 12:33 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
    ffkid's Avatar
    Sorry I really would like to be am currently in my final year of High School, and have my last exams before I leave - they finish next month but I will try and update it as soon as possible - apologies again...
    01/13/2012 1:07 pm
    Level 47 : Master Ninja
    RogueAssassinTG's Avatar
    I like what you've done. you have made this texture pack very true to it's origins. this has a pure SNES feel to it and is virtually identical to the game sprites. it will be great to see how it comes along
    01/20/2012 12:22 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
    ffkid's Avatar
    Hehe thanks :D that was the look I was going for - unfortunately I have exams atm so am having difficulty updating it but I will get it done as soon as I can :)
    10/02/2011 2:21 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
    chronoz585's Avatar
    go ffkid!!!!! XD this is amazing :D keep up this amazing work :3
