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iheartbellatrix's Avatar iheartbellatrix
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
Inspiration is a beautiful thing to hold in your head.

Recently, I read a truly amazing blog post about the company called Above the Influence. The blog post was written by Kerrtastic, a semi-popular PMC member here. It blew me away. Most blog posts you would see on this website would be texture pack reviews, angry rants about unoriginal content, or posts about the mythical (and definitely not real) Herobrine.

The reason why I was so overwhelmed by this blog post was because it made me stop and think for a little while. It was the kind of blog post that you didn't see every day on the front page of Planet Minecraft. It supported an astonishing message, it was written (in my opinion) flawlessly, and had many strong points. If you'd like to read the blog post (and I strongly recommend that you do), click here and come back.

It completely inspired me. Why? Because out of all places you could post something so nicely written, he posted it on Planet Minecraft, where most would believe is just a world of fan art and gamer talk. It was about something that everyone should just stop and learn about, something that they should take time out of their day for. It was written about something that you should be constantly telling yourself.

And the most unbelievable thing about this beautiful blog post is that instead of it being about mythical Herobrine sightings, it was about drug abuse and why you shouldn't do it.

Out of all things, Kerr chose to write against drugs. And that's what inspires me. It inspires me because it's something not many people would think to do, something unusual, and something that could change lives forever. And the funny thing is, he didn't think it was a big deal! I commented on it stating what I felt about his post and he replied saying it was worth the time to write since I had been so affected.

The point is, I believe that you can find inspiration out of the smallest and most unusual of things. Everyone should be able to wake up in the morning and think, Today isn't just another day. Today, I'll create something beautiful.

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08/28/2012 12:55 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
Kerrtastic's Avatar
Nice, I love it! Inspiring someone has always been one of my goals, and this really made my whole week! By the way, we reviewed your app for the Infini Garde. Check your forum inbox! :D
08/28/2012 11:37 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
iheartbellatrix's Avatar
Aw, thank you! :) I saw it and I replied...I'm not allowed to share my Skype with people I don't know irl, which is a pain that we may or may not have to work out. Is this a problem? I'm not sure how else we'll be able to have group conferences, etc. D:
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