This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Sky Cities (Contest)

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Level 10 : Journeyman Network
So a quick introductory to this Minedeas blog. Before it was going to be about civilizations, but I saw that idea was already being used, so I decided not to. Then I thought "Hey, what about floating cities, I know there are builds of that but what if they were generated with the game?"

Sky Cities:
Just are on a long adventure. You're hungry, tired, and all beat up from your long day. Then, you see a glimmer in the night sky, as bright as the Sun falling towards the Earth, so you adventure towards it. As you climb over the last mountain, you see it, dug in to the ground. The block radiating with some type of beautiful light. Getting ready to go back, you notice something. You're in a hole! And it's not just a small one, a lot of the landscape seems to missing from all around you. As you look up, you see nothing but dirt, stone and falling water. But as you back up, you see it. A shimmering city in the sky...Doesn't that make you feel fuzzy inside?

Now, there would be three different types of cities, let's categorize them in three different names: Bronze, silver and gold. BRONZE would not even be a city at all, but a small floating town or even just a farm in the sky. The town would have a small market and a blacksmith. Here you would be able to find some simple tools like shovels, hoes and axes (ranging from wood to stone). Food you could find is bread (and wheat) melons, apples, pie, etc! And for armor and weapons you could find some leather armor, bows and arrows. SILVER would be a bigger (and richer) city then the bronze. It would contain buildings like a pub (serving root beer -- no real beer for lil' Steves!), market, blacksmith, tanners and a variety of other buildings. Here you would be able to find iron tools, iron weapons, iron armor, cosmetic clothing (Hats, suits, etc) bows and silver tipped arrow, a variety of food (pie, melon, chocolates, etc). And special items like wings, sword hilts, sun stone orb, radiating blade, etc (we will get back to these later). The final city would be the GOLD. Buildings would include things like palaces, pubs, barracks, summoning grounds, creation alter rooms, arenas, a locked chamber, etc. Here you would be able to find everything found in previous cities and more! armor pieces (radiating helmet fragment, red chest plate, mirror frame, etc), more delicious food (fondue, bacon, steak dinner, etc).

Hmm...but we need inhabitants to occupy these cities...and enemies...

Mobs and people:
Inhabiting these places would be a variety of different people all with a specialty (or none at all). And what would they look like you ask? Well they would be a block person just like you!
Inhabitant- A regular person living in a city.
Blacksmith- Creates and sells tools and armor
Tanner- Creates and sells cosmetic clothing, leathers
Bartender- Sell root beer and other beverages
Farmer- Grows and sells food
Hunter- Only person to be seen off of floating city. Kills and sells meats, common mob items
Soldier- Defends city, fires cannons. If attacked or any other inhabitant attacked, will try to kill you.
King or Thane- Ruler of city. Talk to them for quests, to live in city, or kill in duel to take control
Builder- Builds and rebuilds homes after attack. Once citizen, ask them to build you a home.
Baker- Bakes and makes. Buy special foods from him/her

Now, we can't be nice and let them live in peace can we? So here are the enemy mobs!
Sky Pirates- Fly around in their ships and plunder cities
Large Bat- A large, square bat flying around attacking inhabitants of cities
Sky Dragon- Really unlucky if you encounter one of these guys. Similar to an Ender dragon, except they enjoy burning everything

So of course with all these additions we gotta have new items, besides, we already mentioned some and we can't let you keep wondering.
Wings- Use them to fly around (max 20sec flight) (Chest)(Silver, Gold city)
Shards and fragments- vary (burning, starfire, moon, sun) Used to craft armors (Mob)
Scattered items- blades, hilts, guards, power orb. Used to craft swords (Mob)
Silver, gold, diamond tipped arrows- more damage the higher the tip (craft)
Fruits- lemon, pear, banana<- grows in jungle (craft)
Pie- Use lemons or apples with wheat to make pies! Yum! (craft)
Sky Fire- Use to give a special enchantment to you favorite sword (dragon drop)
Crafting Alter- Use to assemble shards, fragments and scattered items (craft)
Cosmetics- Clothes that are just meant for show like hats, dresses, suits, gloves, boots
Root beer- Restores health. Bought from bartender
Bacon- Pork + Coal + Baker = yum
Steak Dinner- Take some veggies, add some steak and give it to the baker to whip you up something nice

Why should it be added?
This gives the player a little more sense of adventure, some new foods, new tools, armor, weapons and new fights. It gives you a sense of adventure because not only are you looking for diamonds, the End and all that, but now you have something else to look for. In the sky. You can go become the king of a gold city or perform quests in one. Adventure around those floating cities and towns, or just even pillage them, taking all their treasures for yourself, but making enemies as well. New foods would add some more crafting ability and simpler to more complex ways of acquiring these. With the new tools, weapons and armors that you can craft using a crafting alter, you can defend yourself more effectively against the new enemies, use some new abilities whether it's plowing land you digging a hole and weapons can deal more damage and have devastating effects. With the new mobs you can have fights with aerial enemies that you have never fought before, making the fight more fun and enjoyable.

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12/06/2012 7:21 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
darian2002's Avatar
This is a supercalifragilisticexpialidochously amazing idea ;)
12/06/2012 8:57 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
Hardware's Avatar
12/07/2012 6:32 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
darian2002's Avatar
This idea has real potential
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