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The Mythical (and non-existent) Herobrine

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iheartbellatrix's Avatar iheartbellatrix
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
We all know the legendary Herobrine, which had started as a homemade creepypasta and spiraled out of control. Everyone has their sides on whether or not this paranormal mob is real or not, but this blog post is going to be specifically about why Herobrine is not real. If you are just going to flame about my writings, please click away now.

The Herobrine Origin

Herobrine originated from what the internet calls a Minecraft "creepypasta" (a creepy story that is frequently copied and pasta'd in places popularly accessed, such as forums and fan sites such as PMC). In popular variations of the story and so-called "findings", Herobrine is Notch's dead brother. He is supposed to build random constructions, place redstone torches on dungeon spawners, and hide out in a cobblestone lair underground. The mob is also rumored to give exposing players on the Minecraft Forums "404" errors.

Some people say that if you build a special temple (instructions hidden in the depths of the Minecraft Forums), Herobrine will spawn in the middle of it and kill you off infinitely, therefore crashing your Minecraft client. People have claimed to test it and have the mob spawn before their eyes, but no footage has been uploaded to prove it.

The original creepypasta can be found here or in the spoiler box below:

Why Herobrine Isn't Real

  • Popular modders have not found the "Herobrine" class anywhere in the minecraft.jar. This is an inarguable fact, and any debates against it are completely useless. Any Herobrine class in the client comes from a mod. And no, META-INF can't be Herobrine, either. Don't even bother bringing up that argument. If you want to debate it still, look it up on Google or the Minecraft Forums yourself: don't pester me with it.

  • There is no "Herobrine" mob skin in the minecraft.jar. If Herobrine were real and there were a Herobrine class somewhere in it, there would have to be a Herobrine mob skin in the mobs folder of the .jar. Therefore, the Herobrine skin was created by a player, posted around the internet and was not found in the original client - proving it fake.

  • Most of the Herobrine pictures and "proof" on the forums are of re-textured wooden doors. If you have ever noticed, most Herobrine pictures have a photo of him from the front. The picture of him in photos has varied; holding a pickaxe, crouching, etc. We've never seen him on his side, though! There has never been a picture of him on the side because, of course, it's a door and it would look like Herobrine was a flat piece of Laffy Taffy.

  • There are about six updates, starting during Beta 1.6, on the Minecraft Tumblr update page saying "Removed Herobrine". This is because Notch and Mojang are probably getting sick of all the "HEROBRINE SIGHTING!!!111!1" they hear from players every day. It doesn't necessarily mean that Herobrine was ever even in the game, but the point is, he can't be in it anymore because of the update logs.

  • The temple myth has been proven wrong by fragmecinema on YouTube. Testing this out for their new Minecraft series and recording it as they set fire to the temple, Herobrine did not spawn and building the temple had been a waste of time. Unless they built it wrong, Herobrine isn't going to come and kill us all anytime soon.

  • Notch admitted on Twitter, "I don't have a brother." The words coming from the original owner of Minecraft and head of Mojang, quote unquote. This rules out one of the biggest parts of the Herobrine myth. The story has been proven a lie by the Minecraft God himself.

  • It all started with the creepypasta. The author(s) of the story has admitted to it being fiction. If you don't know, "fiction" means made up. If the origin of Herobrine started with the creepypasta and the story was a fake, the rumors of the ghostly mob can't possibly be true.

In conclusion...

...Herobrine isn't real. Notch doesn't have a brother, and there is no way that you could have seen this fake mob in your singleplayer world unless you had a Herobrine mod installed on your computer or something of the like. If you've heard about these mythical sightings (all fake!) and are scared of seeing a white-eyed Steve appearing in a favorite world of yours and setting fire to your house, keep calm and Minecraft on!

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09/01/2012 8:45 pm
Level 29 : Expert Scribe
Set_46-Give_51's Avatar
Just needed to give that a diamond and make sure to get this through everyone.
09/02/2012 5:16 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pirate
iheartbellatrix's Avatar
Thank you :)
09/01/2012 8:38 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
also Herobrine has been removed from Minecraft 3 times
09/01/2012 9:08 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Nope, about 6.
09/01/2012 9:37 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
i have been through the list multiple times and its is 3
09/01/2012 9:49 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
You did not check the older-versions part of the list, which you have to click on and it brings you to another page I think inside your internet browser.

Its about 6, starting in Beta 1.6.6.
09/01/2012 10:13 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
oh cool
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