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Hey PMC! This is a story for the Divine Union Skin Battle. The idea is that both teams write a story and then make skins for the characters in the story. I wrote the story for Team 1 and hope you enjoy!
Divine Union Team 1 o Pagazz, Nice7, Snurly, _Soda
The wind was howling and the smell of rotten flesh was wafting on the wind. A human was sleeping slumped over by a tree and covered by a filthy blanket. He stirred, got up and wrapped himself in his blanket. He looked around and then set off into the wind, clutching the blanket so it wouldno t fly off. He had walked for about an hour when he pulled a tattered map from his pocket, put it away again and set off in a slightly different direction.
Slowly a large graveyard came into view and the man stopped looked side to side, clutched his blanket closer and strode forwards. Once he was amongst the gravestones a peculiar mist drifted in and he was quickly swallowed by the thick white substance, and along with the mist came an eerie silence. He travelled further, seemingly unperturbed by the lack of sight, it didno t matter really because heo d taken this route many times before.
Suddenly, there was a low gurgling noise and the man leaped to the side. No sooner had he moved a shrivelled zombie lay clawing where he had been. The zombie howled in disbelief as it realised it had missed, it turned and looked the man dead in the eye, screamed again and leaped. The man ducked and kicked the zombie away from himself and yelled in a demanding voice o Off with you!o and threw a vial of red fluid at the zombie, which upon making contact created deep red welts on its skin. It screeched and lashed out again in a last attempt to wound the man. This time he kicked it in the head causing it to yelp and flee into the mist. The man straightened himself and treaded on, the wails of the injured zombie coming from only a few hundred feet away.
Once the cries of the zombie had faded the man reached a large tomb. It was dome shaped and the colour of sandstone. As the man drew closer inscriptions of ancient runes and a large hole near the base of the tomb came into sight. The man drew his blanket closer again and stooped through the whole. As he straightened up a dull red light started to illuminate a small entrance chamber. The chamber was full of glinting treasure and ancient works of art. Once he had looked around the room his eyes stopped on a humanoid shape at the other end of the room.
The shape stirred and then stood so it was as tall as the man. Then a booming voice filled the room o What is your businesso .
The man stepped forwards and replied o I am here on business for the Halloween Lordo . At this the figure bowed and the wall behind it slid to the side. As the wall parted a purple light, much brighter than the red one, lit the shadowy figure, he was mostly human and wearing bright blue pyjamas. But, his head was covered by a Jacko-o-lantern and through the eye holes only pure black skin could be seen. The pumpkin man stepped to the side and allowed the man to walk into the hidden room. Once inside the walls flew back together and the man focused on his new surroundings.
The new room was much larger than the entrance hall but was much less flash. The room was completely bare except for a large glowing portal. The man walked over to the portal and took a deep breath and stepped inside. He re-appeared through an identical portal in a different realm. The mano s surroundings were bare and rocky, and the sky was devoid of any light. Off in the distance a large dark mass could just be made out with a light red tinge at its base, and it was this that the man headed towards. As he drew nearer the large shadow became distinguishable as an enormous castle, it had grand stone walls and lofty towers. But, the most impressive was the subtle chasm of lava which bubbled ominously from a few kilometres below. As the man approached he moved to a thin wooden bridge and cautiously began to cross.
Once on the other side the man entered through an enormous arch and stopped in a large chamber with an empty thrown. The man spoke o I am here my Lordo . At this the room was filled with the rushing of wind and a figure appeared in the large thrown. The figure was the size of your average man and wearing a very tattered suit. He had small sunken eyes and an overly large mouth, giving him the impression that he was always smiling. He rose from the thrown and hissed o Youuuu, are late!o ending with a loud snap. The man trembled and got to his knees and relied o I am sorry my Lord.o
o Yessss, well your presence is ssstill imperative. The Limb Collector is hungry, and on the night of the 31st of October you will releassse him and have it visit the houssssess of any unfortunate trick or treatersssssso whistled the Lord. He then turned and vanished in a cloud of smoke. The man nodded and chuckled o Yes my Lordo . As the man turned and left the castle a chill set in on the human world and woe be you on the 31sto ¦ and good luck.
If you like it please diamond, and feedback is appreciated. If you like it enough please favorite, and if you want more please subscribe.
_Soda's skin of the zombie [here]
wierdude1999's pumpkin guardian skin [here]
Nice7's skin of the Limb Collector [here]
Pagazz's skin of the Halloween Lord [here]
Divine Union Team 1 o Pagazz, Nice7, Snurly, _Soda
The wind was howling and the smell of rotten flesh was wafting on the wind. A human was sleeping slumped over by a tree and covered by a filthy blanket. He stirred, got up and wrapped himself in his blanket. He looked around and then set off into the wind, clutching the blanket so it wouldno t fly off. He had walked for about an hour when he pulled a tattered map from his pocket, put it away again and set off in a slightly different direction.
Slowly a large graveyard came into view and the man stopped looked side to side, clutched his blanket closer and strode forwards. Once he was amongst the gravestones a peculiar mist drifted in and he was quickly swallowed by the thick white substance, and along with the mist came an eerie silence. He travelled further, seemingly unperturbed by the lack of sight, it didno t matter really because heo d taken this route many times before.
Suddenly, there was a low gurgling noise and the man leaped to the side. No sooner had he moved a shrivelled zombie lay clawing where he had been. The zombie howled in disbelief as it realised it had missed, it turned and looked the man dead in the eye, screamed again and leaped. The man ducked and kicked the zombie away from himself and yelled in a demanding voice o Off with you!o and threw a vial of red fluid at the zombie, which upon making contact created deep red welts on its skin. It screeched and lashed out again in a last attempt to wound the man. This time he kicked it in the head causing it to yelp and flee into the mist. The man straightened himself and treaded on, the wails of the injured zombie coming from only a few hundred feet away.
Once the cries of the zombie had faded the man reached a large tomb. It was dome shaped and the colour of sandstone. As the man drew closer inscriptions of ancient runes and a large hole near the base of the tomb came into sight. The man drew his blanket closer again and stooped through the whole. As he straightened up a dull red light started to illuminate a small entrance chamber. The chamber was full of glinting treasure and ancient works of art. Once he had looked around the room his eyes stopped on a humanoid shape at the other end of the room.
The shape stirred and then stood so it was as tall as the man. Then a booming voice filled the room o What is your businesso .
The man stepped forwards and replied o I am here on business for the Halloween Lordo . At this the figure bowed and the wall behind it slid to the side. As the wall parted a purple light, much brighter than the red one, lit the shadowy figure, he was mostly human and wearing bright blue pyjamas. But, his head was covered by a Jacko-o-lantern and through the eye holes only pure black skin could be seen. The pumpkin man stepped to the side and allowed the man to walk into the hidden room. Once inside the walls flew back together and the man focused on his new surroundings.
The new room was much larger than the entrance hall but was much less flash. The room was completely bare except for a large glowing portal. The man walked over to the portal and took a deep breath and stepped inside. He re-appeared through an identical portal in a different realm. The mano s surroundings were bare and rocky, and the sky was devoid of any light. Off in the distance a large dark mass could just be made out with a light red tinge at its base, and it was this that the man headed towards. As he drew nearer the large shadow became distinguishable as an enormous castle, it had grand stone walls and lofty towers. But, the most impressive was the subtle chasm of lava which bubbled ominously from a few kilometres below. As the man approached he moved to a thin wooden bridge and cautiously began to cross.
Once on the other side the man entered through an enormous arch and stopped in a large chamber with an empty thrown. The man spoke o I am here my Lordo . At this the room was filled with the rushing of wind and a figure appeared in the large thrown. The figure was the size of your average man and wearing a very tattered suit. He had small sunken eyes and an overly large mouth, giving him the impression that he was always smiling. He rose from the thrown and hissed o Youuuu, are late!o ending with a loud snap. The man trembled and got to his knees and relied o I am sorry my Lord.o
o Yessss, well your presence is ssstill imperative. The Limb Collector is hungry, and on the night of the 31st of October you will releassse him and have it visit the houssssess of any unfortunate trick or treatersssssso whistled the Lord. He then turned and vanished in a cloud of smoke. The man nodded and chuckled o Yes my Lordo . As the man turned and left the castle a chill set in on the human world and woe be you on the 31sto ¦ and good luck.
If you like it please diamond, and feedback is appreciated. If you like it enough please favorite, and if you want more please subscribe.
_Soda's skin of the zombie [here]
wierdude1999's pumpkin guardian skin [here]
Nice7's skin of the Limb Collector [here]
Pagazz's skin of the Halloween Lord [here]
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2 Update Logs
Update #2 : by Pagazz 10/22/2012 5:24:46 amOct 22nd, 2012
added the last 2 links
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