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Apparently Griefer's Grief For Reactions

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SoarynTheEagle's Avatar SoarynTheEagle
Level 34 : Artisan Unicorn
Well I was reading a post on MCF in which someone was asking why griefers grief. Some say because they're idiots, others because they're jerks, a few even said for the fun of it. But there was on thing that a single person said that really stuck with me, and that was this:

"Griefers grief for the reaction that they get. Whether it's WTF, or 'I WILL MURDER YOUR CHILDREN AND EAT YOUR MOTHER [REDACTED] HEART OUT!' they really just want to see what you'll do. In short, they seem to just want to see you miserable and that's the only thing that will really make them happy anymore."

You sir, are a genius. But recently, I got griefed. Which is the reason that I was looking at that post. So I thought that I might share my reaction to it. Just for you griefers out there. I hope you're happy.

Me: Okay, who did this?

Griefer: Like what I did to your base soaryn?

Me: Seriously man, what did I ever do to you?

Griefer: You built too close to me.

Me: You're like a thousand blocks away.

Griefer: That's too close.

Me: God. Seriously, what is your problem?

Griefer: It's your problem bro. You suck.

Me: You know what?

Me: Screw this server, screw you, screw your stupid faction. Nothing is worth this! I can just go to another server and have a great time there.

(SoarynTheEagle has left the game)

Note that I had to come back afterwards because I forgot that I had to disband my faction.

Me: /f disband

Griefer:*Cough* Soaryn's Gay *Cough* *Cough* (Someone give me a nudge if I'm not allowed to post that :) )

Me: Screw off.

(SoarynTheEagle has left the game)

Keep in mind that I may have used some more choice words. It was probably not the best way to handle things, but y'know, I was pretty ticked. And I meant what I said. Nothing is worth rebuilding things over and over again when you know someone's just going to blow it back up again.

I hope that the griefers out there got some sort of enjoyment out of this. Seriously, what kind of sick twisted stuff is going on in your mind that you think it's ok to do this to someone? There is no excuse for it. It is morally wrong, it is ethically wrong, and frankly I think that you should know better. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the high you got off of reading this.

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02/09/2014 7:21 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
CrazyHecticLife's Avatar
Griefing is why I hate multiplayer.
02/04/2014 5:35 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
PartyRocker1013's Avatar
Yeah. We're all griefers. We grief others when we want to, like raiding random houses you come across when you're on a journey. Killing others when you have the upper hand for no absolute reason. Who is to say we're not the one's at fault here. I'm sure you would like to humiliate the griefer as much as they humiliated you. It's just a war between every individual sometimes. :/
02/01/2014 10:06 am
Level 35 : Artisan Electrician
finglelpuppl's Avatar
Oh man all this is true...Greifing is SO much fun and, your reaction is just the hilarious reaction we greifers try to get out of people! Made me laugh!

That being said i don't mean ANY disrespect. I'm Just saying what i know, and if anyone is willing to back me up (which i wouldn't be surprised if no one did) Greifing is fun, and that's the bottom line...why people do it!

The way you beat greifers, like me, and make them say "Shoot, that sucked, what a waste of time" is you say "Eh okay whatever, I'll just build a new base" and move on, and Don't respond to them again.

Just an opinion, and then some advice, I've been greifed and i have greifed.
01/31/2014 7:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Insanity775's Avatar
I got griefed before. He said he diid it because he was a YouTuber, so he was allowed to. Smh.
02/22/2014 4:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Forgelander's Avatar
The guy's going to get hate for greifing anyways.
01/31/2014 8:23 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Unicorn
SoarynTheEagle's Avatar
Now that's just sick.
02/02/2014 10:03 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Insanity775's Avatar
01/31/2014 6:27 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
SevoGT's Avatar
hello,and i've been grief WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much.There's this guy,named copius007.I hate that guy.If your mission is just to screw up EVERY SINGLE grieferyou meet,here the server IP:sky-realms.com
01/30/2014 2:59 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Good post; it gets to the striking similarities between griefing and bullying -- they're both done for the reaction a lot of the time.

Though, it seems a little odd that you freaked out about being griefed and insulted on a Factions server. Griefing and trash talk are kinda what those types of servers revolve around.
01/29/2014 5:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
SoccerkidJT-7's Avatar
Thats why if I ever get griefed, I will say this:

"Wow, I love what you did to the place! The architectural shaping of this creature is amazing! Thank you so much!"

It shows that your not phased by the griefer, and you seem to actually like the griefers work. Your win, their loss.

But as Fanjawi said, its just a game, everyone can have fun their own way! :)
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