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Coloured Text in SP World Names

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Level 35 : Artisan Creeper
Hey Guys!

I have just found out about the ability to use coulered text in naming yout SP minecraft worlds.
I will post a tutorial soon about how to do it but I'll tell you this, It uses the section symbol (§) infront of another number/letter.

To type § on a mac you hold down option (alt) then press 6.
To type § on a windows you press alt+2,1 (I don't know for sure but thats what it said on the wiki)

The colours are:
§1=Dark Blue
§2=Dark Green
§3=Dark Aqua
§4=Dark Red
§8=Dark Grey
§a=Bright Green

Formatting Codes are:
§k=Random Characters

These are the exact same things that you type as the single player worlds name to get it to be coloured/different
This is also how most servers have colourful names and how people speak coloured chat(must be hacked in)

Hope this helped!


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04/24/2014 11:12 pm
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
09/28/2013 7:25 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
does not work on mac
FlatCraft Servers
09/01/2013 8:54 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
I have to say that this guide is useful for people who are new on Minecraft, one little thing, you can't type§ on windows, you need to copy and paste it and to get it to be coloured on Windows, you need to go to your saves folder and rename the world file that you want changing. Just a few little notes but besides that, a very helpful guide to new people! :)
