Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Command tutorial: /give

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Level 44 : Master Electrician
Hi! Welcome to another blog of this blog serie calles commands tutorials. In this case the command tutorial is from /give.


For what´s serving: This command you can use it to give you or another player an object.

How it works: Put this command where you chat or in a command block: /give <player> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]. You have to put the player and the item yes or yes if not the command is not gonna function. Exaple /give Touy2003 264 7. The player you give the items must be online, the valid amount is from 0 to 64 and is have to be a valid ID or the item name.

Where you can use it: You can use this command in singleplayer if the cheats are enable or in multiplayer if you are OP.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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