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Dark Apathy- The Developers Paradise -Prologue/Test

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mist13's Avatar mist13
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
The pain in the back of my head flared, sending agony across my entire body.

Then again, what did I expect? This wasn't my first time running a mod in a private chunk. It only pertained to my family's home, but without a professional setup, I was sure to get some whiplash from the reset. Hell, this hurt less than my previous attempts, thanks to a few added hours of consulting with my friends. My abstract modern house couldn't fit the hardware in it's jar if I even had the money. Hence, this would have to do.

My own mod... Finally.. I had always wanted to be a Developer, one who could change the world through innovation and hard work, but now, finally, this dream was within grasp, no longer a shadow, but a reasonable goal. They own the world, trillions of chunks under their control, all the money anyone could ask for, power over death itself. For one to become a Developer, was to become a god.

Everything went white for a moment, another affect of a private reset...


I opened my eyes, and light shown before me. An arcane creature, dazzling in nature, hovered on my desk, inspecting his new kingdom. He was a wraith, a name I had bestowed on him, and I knew him well. Months working on him had finally taken affect. A vortex of light and darkness swirled where legs should have been. He had arms, but most would describe them as clouds, loosely attached to his body. His head appeared to be bathed in holy flames, though they were that of a neutral being. And than he froze.
I had taken every precaution in creating Wraith. This, a time freeze, was one of them. I needed to check a few of his inner workings, namely his internal defenses, before letting him lose on the farm I had created for him. I had found that when testing new entities, the farm was perfect. It had complex structures for climbing, hostile and passive mobs for killing, and interacting with, plenty of water and lava, and I had access to every tool the Developers had given the layman.
My family was out, so now was the best time to load the farm. My neighbors never appreciated it, but since I was dual booting our chunk, I could leave the house running, just in a bit more stagnate state. Watching the chunk load around me, I marvaled. I rarely loaded other maps, especially ones as well designed as the farm.
Unfreezing him, the Wraith snapped into action. He didn't have to think ,he only had to weigh conditions and interact. Wraith was a testing machine. I had created him with the intention of finding the perfect neutral, the condition between light and darkness. and he did this very well. He could level the fields between player and mobs in minutes, destroying anything that was too big, or building upon that which is too small. Originally I had him following a customized version of Equivillant Exchange, but than I realized that EE wasn't neutral either. Nor were any other mods that had been built before my time. I finally decided on sticking to the vanilla matter library, and judging things by hand. My system is far from perfect, but at least it can differentiate between obsidian and diamond.
I turned, to see wheat flying from it's place, grass turning back to dirt, and dirt turning into nothing.

If matter is 1 and void is 0, what is the equal balance? The though randomly struck my mind, possibly at fault, Wraith, but now was no time for thought. As I fell into the vast depths of the void, I activated the hard reset, and all was well. The process had been ended, and I was left with the resumed chunk of my home.

Sigh... So much to do... So little I have to do....


Hello! I just recently came up for a universe along these lines, a combination of Earth and Minecraft where Mods are universal, and implented into society! I'm sure I'll be able to add many other things to this, but First I need to see if this concept goes well. Just viewing it always raises my morale, but Diamond or Sub, and there's a higher chance for a much longer story, possibly something along the lines of the Silmarillion?

G'day- Mist13

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06/24/2012 7:26 am
Level 40 : Master Grump
Seska Rotan
Seska Rotan's Avatar
This is very interesting. It's a nice new look at the Minecraft/gaming universe as we see it. I see potential, good Sir, keep it up. :)
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