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Depression on a Server

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sleepingdragon80's Avatar sleepingdragon80
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
Greetings, ladies and gentleblocks, its time for another take on a subject that's been done a few times or so. Depression is something others have covered, such as Jetra and Greytopher, but at the same time there's another aspect people don't always seem to see.

Now, depression is a tricky thing to diagnose, and everyone feels it at some point in their lives. For some its a true clinical endless problem. for others, its a low time in their lives that feels endless. There are many reasons people feel it. I don't plan on getting into those reasons now.

What i do want to do with this blog is talk about how it affect others on your server around you. You join a server feeling depressed, feeling low, wanting to talk to people. This doesn't always end well.

People may want to try to always be kind. they may want to try to help. But at the same time personal comfort is highest on their minds. Many MANY people join a server to relax and forget the worries of the day, or to blow off some steam by mindlessly loosing themselves to a massive project. Minecraft is a game, and people want to have fun. So when they see someone struggling, feeling down, they may try to help, or they may not be able to.

Consider this example:

You have been playing on a fun minecraft server for a few months now. you're in with the community and everyone knows you and you know them, and one day you're having a kinda crap day. Maybe your old dog had to be put down, something you've kinda been expecting for a few weeks, but is still a shock. Maybe you're missing a concert cause you've had a falling out with your friends and they revoked your ticket. Perhaps you just did really bad on a test and are worried about passing the class. Things like this can make you just want to mine in peace. No need to burden your friends with such little parts of your life. So you come on and work more on your project, and start to cheer up cause its a place you have control. You can work in peace here and not have to worry on these IRL problems. Then a friend comes on. Someone you build with a lot. And he starts complaining to the server in general about how he and his sister fought today and how stupid she is and how much he hates her. You're already down.

Theres a few forces at work here in a persons mind when they see someone feeling down and asking for help:
1. Their own desire to want to have fun and not become unhappy
2. They feel heir own problems are just as valid and they should just suck it up.
3. The fact they care for this person and want to help, but fear being tainted with the sadness or rejected and loosing a friend.
4. They feel minecraft is not a place for people to come and dump their problems on everyone else, and that it should just be a game.

People play this game for a LOT of reasons. One popular reason is to forget about IRL problems. To have something fun to take their mind off things. But sometimes things can feel so bad they just need to tell someone. And that's where I've seen plenty of friction.

I've felt myself annoyed at players who come on complaining about some true crap in their lives that we cant do a thing about. Dog died, grandparents died, car wreck, health issues, things they feel the need to tell EVERYONE about, just to get some pity. They may truly feel down about something, but it isn't always right to lay that on everyone else.

So please, if you are feeling down, weigh your options. Would telling everyone make it better? Or is it best to confide in a few close friends? And importantly: Are you doing this simply to get some sort of attention? How does you feeling down about your dog running away impact them?

There are people out there with truly huge hearts, always giving and loving and wanting to help. But if you take advantage of them, you may risk turning them into depressed, disillusioned shells. People are finite beings, and tho there is help out there, it may not be the best thing to search for it online where you don't know anyone or their true thoughts.

If you do try to help someone who is depressed, remember that they may just need an ear and a suggestion. listen carefully, listen attentively, give them all your attention. So many problems could be solved if people just listened to each other more.

Hope this blog made some sense, Diamonds are appreciated. Critiques are appreciated as well :) But please, no personal attacks. It's just uncool.
CreditJetra and Pilot

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09/11/2015 8:15 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn
lunamoss's Avatar
Sometimes if someone is upset I try to help them, but if they won't accept help or comfort like, "I don't need to be comforted" but yet they keep complaining, I tend to say things like "This is a video game not a therapist's office." or "We are all trying to have fun here, nobody wants to hear about your problems." I somtimes feel like a jerk for it, but minecraft really isn't the place for feelings in my opinion. If someone is talking about how crappy their life is and saying they want to die just because someone was rude to them at school, they really don't need to be playing minecraft at the moment.
04/09/2016 9:03 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cake
MatthiasNAmanda's Avatar
Maybe they are just having a bad time. Sometimes people are like that. We just need to accept the feeling that some people play on Minecraft even when they are a bit of a Drama Queen :/ Also, maybe they just want to be noticed.
05/11/2013 9:36 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
kraiku's Avatar
If you are having a terrible day just take a break from the computer..
05/11/2013 9:45 pm
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
sleepingdragon80's Avatar
there are some people whos computer IS their break from the terrible day. I know im one of em. If im just wanting to get away from it all i come on and build, or read, or whatever. its an escape.
05/11/2013 9:51 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
kraiku's Avatar
If you are trying to "escape" the real world and get put down when someone complains about their own problems maybe you need to play on singleplayer or just get off
05/08/2013 3:13 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Very good blog, couldn't have said it better.
05/08/2013 5:04 pm
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
sleepingdragon80's Avatar
Thanks muchly sir Jet :D
05/07/2013 6:18 pm
Level 43 : Master Scribe
nightmayer19's Avatar
I feel ya on this one :/ I'm that person that seems to always try to help in these sort of situations and it's really starting to bring me down D: My life's near perfect so yeah, it sucks that some players are struggling in reality; if I can just lend an ear from time to time, I feel like listening could be that little push to help the one in need recover from their current issues... Sometimes... :o Diamond for you!
05/07/2013 7:43 pm
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
sleepingdragon80's Avatar
I know that feel dawg. thanks for getting where im coming from :)
05/03/2013 7:51 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Blacksmith
senior_fluffy's Avatar
nice job :)
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